MNLU Aurangabad, CORPORATE AND COMPETITION LAW REVIEW (CCLR) : Submit up to 21st September, 2018

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Volume I, Issue I (2018)


About Corporate and Competition Law Review

The Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad, (M.S) Corporate and Competition Law Review is a student- edited, peer-reviewed, bi-annual law journal under faculty supervision aimed at an inter- disciplinary approach towards legal research.

About Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad

Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad has been established under the Maharashtra National Law University Act, 2014 (Mah. Act No. VI of 2014), of Maharashtra State Legislature. The university has been successful in instilling a sense of broad perspective along with scholastic and reflexive capabilities. The university intends to invoke discussions and ventilation of thought-provoking ideas on varied legal issues from the faculty, jurists, scholars and students.

Categories for Submission

The Editorial Committee of CCLR is pleased to invite submissions from:

  • Academicians and Professionals;
  • Members of the Bar and Bench;
  • Government Officials;
  • Research Scholars; and
  • Students

The Corporate and Competition Law Review seeks to publish legal writings of highlighting the various facets of Corporate & Competition laws. Clarity of thought and expression is mandatory. The interdisciplinary approach on legal issues related to the above mentioned subject from the legal fraternity are welcome. Though there are no strict rules for scholarship, but the editorial policy suggests the following word limits:

Articles – 4000-6000 words ( Abstract – 300-400 words )

Book Review – 1500-2000 words

Case Commentaries – 2500-3000 words

Essays – 2500-3500 words

Note :- The above mentioned word limits exclude footnotes and abstract (in case of articles ).

The submissions may include discussions of legal issues, case laws or legal policy or critical analysis offering a right direction (in the opinion of the author) on the highlighted issue can also be sent. Notes and reviews containing descriptive summary of a judgment, new legislation and legal policy with contemporary importance can also be contributed . Authors can also write a book review for publication. The purpose of notes and reviews is to acquaint the reader with the contemporary developments in the corporate field.

Guidelines for the submissions:

Font Size: Main text – 12 pts. , Footnotes – 10 pts.

The title should be Bold, Underlined, in Capitals, Size 16, and Center Aligned. The title should have the name(s) of the author(s), their course and college as first footnote(s).

Headings should be Bold, in Capitals, Size 14, and left aligned

Line Spacing: Main text – 1.5, Footnotes – 1.0

Font Type: Times New Roman

Margin – 1” from all sides.

Mode of Citation: The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (Nineteenth Edition)

Co-Authorship to a maximum of two members is allowed.

How to submit :-

  1. The submissions may be sent to in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.
  2. The attached submission in the email, i.e., the name of the document must be the name(s) of the author(s).
  3. The subject title for the mail must be ‘Article/ Essay/ Case Comment/ Book Review for CCLR.
  4. Please note that only one submission per author or a team of co-authors is permissible.
  5. In case of more than one submission, only the one received first would be considered for review.

Undertaking: The Corporate and Competition Law Review intends to publish only the original contributions from the authors on variety of legal issues in accordance with the guidelines provided. Each write up shall be enclosed with the following undertaking :

[“This is to certify that the reported work in the paper entitled “……..” submitted for publication in the Corporate & Competition Law Review is an original one and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. I/we further certify that proper citations to the previously reported work have been given.”]

Copyright: The copyright of the published articles is deemed to be assigned to the Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad. However, for non-commercial purposes the use of published material is not prohibited. Proper acknowledgement and intimation to Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad will be appreciated.

Submission Deadline

The last date for submission of full Research Paper/Notes/Comments/Case Comment and Book Review is up to 21st September,2018, 11:59 PM. All submissions will go through rounds of scrutiny and the shortlisted contributors will be duly informed.

All future queries maybe addressed to

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