Mega Online Global Summit On Global Strategies to Fight Pandemics by ILTES- Satoshicon (9th-10th May 2020): Registrations open

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Mega Online Global Summit


Global Strategies  to Fight Pandemics


ILTES Online Global Academy, Hyderabad

in Association with


(9th-10th May 2020): Registrations open


ILTES ONLINE GLOBAL ACADEMY-– The E -Platform of Infinity Law Tech Educational Services-India (Hyderabad) in association with Satoshicon is organizing  a MEGA ONLINE GLOBAL SUMMIT on GLOBAL STRATEGIES TO FIGHT PANDEMICS——
Role and Responsibilities of-
1. The Government,
2. Legislature,
3. Judiciary,
4. Civil Society
5. Medical Fraternity,
6. Trade,Industry and Financial Institutions,
7. Research and Tech Communities and 8. Academics.

Summit  Schedule

  • This Summit is schedule on May 9&10 ,2020.The First Inaugural Session will start on April 9, a 4P.M.  followed by  Regular Session .
  • There will be four Sessions of FOUR Hours duration each day from 4-8 PM. IST.  Nearly 20 speakers from various sectors will speak .
  • 500+ delegates  from all over world will participate online. They will  also have an opportunity to connect with Speakers live.
Global thought leaders,policy makers , visionaries, Professors, and Tech.experts from  various jurisdiction will share their expert views online.


Among notable  Confirmed Indian Speakers are….
1.Hon. Justice Dr. Vineet Kothari ,senior Judge , Madras High Court ,Director,
2. Director,-IIT- Delhi, Prof. V. Ramgopal Rao ,
3.Director Indian Law Institute -Delhi ,Prof M.K.Sinha ,
4. Prof Sandeep Sancheti ,Vice Chancellor- SRM University– Chennai  and President , Indian Association of Universities( Member PM”s Digital India Advisory Committe) ,
5.Prof Varun Arya,IIT-D and IIM-A and Director Arawali Instiute of Management
6. Prof Dr. Asutosh Sharma,Sectreary- DST-GOI New Delhi
7.Dr. Arun Singhvi- CEO of ASG Eye Care Chain of Hospitals in India and Abroad, 

Among overseas Speakers —-

1. Hon”ble Justice  Mohan Pieris,(Fmr.) Chief Justice of SriLanka ,
2.Mr Gerad Dache CEO of Govenment Blockchain Association(GBA)  -USA,
3. Jorg Molt -CEO of Satoshi School Vienna and UAE,
4. Prof  Ray Campbell ,Professor at  Peiking University-China ,
5.Mr Drew Taylor-International Investment Advisor-USA.
More  overseas experts will from Britain Canada ,Singapore ,Japan, European Union and International Organisations.

Registrations Details

A.  Nominal registration fee for delegates is….

INDIANS -Rs. 200
B. Pavable via –

GPay (Mob No. – 9167724112)

Bank Transfer Details are –

*A/c Narne – Infinity Law Tech Educational Services

*Bank – HDFC Bank (India), Branch – Gachibowli

‘A/c No. – 50200029158990

*IFSC Code: HDFC0000968

*SWIFT Code – HDFCINBB (for overseas delegates)

c. All registered delegates shall receive a participation certificate.

After making payment, please mail your name, email id, name of institution, contact no. & photo (optional) at

First 100 Delegates’ photos shall bc featured on our Poster & they shall receive a Special Customiscd Certificate

Contact Info


For website, click here.

For Brochure, click here.

 LawOF is Proud to Media Partner of this Event

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