Lok Sabha Internship Programme 2018 . Deadline May 4.

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Lok Sabha Internship 2018 .

Deadline May 4.

Online Applications for the Lok Sabha Internship Programme 2018

The Internship Programme has been launched under the auspices of SRI. The programme is aimed at providing an opportunity to young scholars in the country with an outstanding academic credential, to acquaint them with the working of Parliamentary democracy and to train them to contribute towards the generation of research inputs for members of Parliament. There are two types of internship for young talent from different academic institutions, colleges and universities;

• Student Internship of one-month duration
• Regular Internship of three months duration

The Interns are selected by Lok Sabha Secretariat and deployed in its various divisions. Interested interns are also given extended term and deployed in SRI so as to generate high-quality research inputs for SRI as well as Parliamentary Committees. While contributing to the research inputs, they gain valuable experience of parliamentary democracy at work which add to their ability for comprehension of difficult subjects and drafting abilities for writing meaningfully.

Lok Sabha Internship 2018

One-month Lok Sabha Student Internship

The duration for Student Internship Programme will be from 28 June to 27 July 2018.


Eligibility: Age: The applicant should not be less than 18 years of age and not more than 30 years as on closing date of applications.

How to Apply:

Applications are to be submitted online CLICK HERE


May 4, 2018, 5PM. 


Email: sricell-lss@sansad.nic.in.


For Official Website, CLICK HERE

For Detailed Notification, CLICK HERE

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