Lex Revolution: Call for Papers, Deadline: 31st October, 2017

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Call for Papers:

Lex Revolution: Vol III, ISSUE 4:

Deadline: 31st October, 2017.


Lex Revolution invites scholarly unpublished papers on various fields of Law, Human Rights and Social Science from students, teachers, scholars and professionals for the Volume-III, Issue-4 Oct-Dec 2017 of the UGC approved journal Lex Revolution ISSN 2394-997X.

The Journal welcomes the submission of papers that meet the general criteria of significance and academic brilliance. Authors are requested to emphasize on novel theoretical standard and downtrodden concerns of the mentioned areas against the backdrop of proper objectification of suitable primary materials and documents. The papers must not be published in parts or whole or accepted for publication anywhere else.

The words limit for (inclusive of footnotes):

a) Article: upto 3000-4000 words,

b) Short comments: upto1500 words,

c) Book Review: upto 1000 words.

Last Date for Submission: October 31, 2017

For any other details please write to us at editor.lexrevolution@gmail.com mentioning ‘Query’ in subject line of the mail.

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Twitter: HERE

Further Details are attached HERE

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