- This Centre is founded in response to an escalating need felt by scientists, lawyers, technologists, and companies. The object was and still is, to gain thoughtful knowledge in patent, trademarks, design, and copyright law.
- More in meticulous the CSRIPR wishes to gain a better insight and glimpse into new and evolving areas of intellectual property law (such as the protection of software, semi-conductor products and biotechnological inventions, standardization, and technology transfers) and the general problems of patents, trademarks, designs, and copyright.
- To concertize these objects the CSRIPR will organize a manifold of activities on an interdisciplinary level. These activities include fundamental research, the gathering of documentation, organizing conferences, and scientific service to the community.
This internship will revolve around one month during the course of which students will be required to research upon nuances of Intellectual property law and other related fields in this realm. The students will be allotted one domain from IPR, as per their interest, which can be:
- Trademark & GI
- Copyright
- Patent
- Trade Secrets & Undisclosed Information
- Artificial Intelligence
The internship is purely research-oriented and drafting-centric, revolving around the realm of Intellectual Property Rights concerns, and shall be conducted virtually as a work from the home initiative. During the course of the Internship, the interns will be required to prepare 3 well-researched articles on the topic assigned to them and submit them within the specified deadlines.
Applicants for this internship should be either pursuing their Undergraduate or Postgraduate Legal studies in a College/University recognized by the Bar Council of India or any other institution of prominence within India or Abroad.
October 1, 2022 to October 31, 2022 (31 Days)
Application Procedure
Interested students are required to fill out the Google form given at the end of this post, latest by August 28, 2022.
Selections will be made on the basis of merit.
Relevant Dates
- Last Date for submission of Application for Internship: August 28, 2022
- Notification of Shortlisted Candidates: September 5, 2022
- Submission of 3 Topics by shortlisted Candidates: September 8, 2022
- Interview of Shortlisted Candidates: September 11 to 15, 2022
- Notification of selected Interns: Latest by September 17, 2022
- Commencement of Internship: October 1, 2022
- End of Internship: October 31, 2022
Relevant Contacts
In case of any difficulty in submitting the application, reach out to us at csripr@nusrlranchi.ac.in or kindly contact our Student Co-ordinators:
- Mr. Pritesh Raj: Convenor cum Managing Editor, (+91) 84209 74946
- Mr. Anish Jandial: Treasurer cum Internship Co-ordinator, (+91) 84271 77847