LAW SUBJECTS MODULE: Module is available of approx 17 subjects in Law like Criminal Justice Administration, Corporate Law, Competitions Law, Research Methodology, IPR, and International Human Rights Law etc. at e-PG Pathshala.

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Module are available of approx 17 subjects in Law like Criminal Justice Administration, Corporate Law, Competitions Law, Research Methodology, IPR. Intrnational human Rights Law etc. 



An MHRD, under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT), has assigned work to the UGC for development of e-content in 71 subjects at postgraduate level. The content and its quality is the key component of education system.

High quality, curriculum-based, interactive content in different subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts & humanities, natural & mathematical sciences, linguistics and languages is being develope under this initiative named e-PG Pathshala.



Buddhist Studies | Business Economics |Commerce | Economics | Education | Geography| Human Rights and Duties | Indian Culture | Law| Library and Information Science | Linguistics |Political Science | Population Studies | Psychology| Public Administration | Social Work Education |Sociology | Women Studies/Gender Studies |


Subject: Law

Browse Content (Select Paper & Module from the list), Click HERE 


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