“Law School Journey” Till Now: Akshita Mathur- 4th Year B.A LL.B(HONS.), Jaipur National University, Jaipur

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“Law School Journey” Till Now

 Akshita Mathur

4th Year B.A LL.B(HONS.),

                              Seedling School of Law and Governance                                   

Jaipur National University, Jaipur

I am Akshita Mathur of B.A LL.B(HONS.), 4th year from Jaipur National University, Jaipur.

My journey in the law school till now was amazing in a way I’ve developed a lot in me. Going back to my first year in law school, I faced a lot of difficulties as I was not aware of what was going with me. I took a semester to get settled. Subjects though were not difficult for me as History and Political Science etc were the subjects of my stream in class 12th. What took me to settle was the environment I faced for the very first time; new friends, new people, hostel restrictions etc were all new things for me.

Half way down I felt the confidence in me. It all came with the mooting practices on regular basis. This is done rarely in law schools but in ours there is a moot for every law subject and a project presentation for every non law subject. It helped me a lot in boosting my speaking skills. I started feeling the confidence to face judges and audience during my presentations. Moreover, it become a usual practice for me in preparing my memorials and projects till late night.

Also, regular guest lectures and mid semester exams which at times were boring, later turned out to be useful. Specially guest lectures were the only inspirational sources for me and in knowing what is law and why should I pursue law. It felt pleasure in attending the speeches of great personalities. Gaining knowledge from their experiences helped me in knowing different aspects of law.

For great opportunities, all you want to do is to enhance your CV and develop the confidence in speaking and learning ofcourse has no end, the more you learn, the more you gain and mootings, papers, publishing articles etc are the ingredients to enhance your CV. Therefore more focus should be done on these apart from academic activities.

Unlike others, I do what I love the most and for me. I want a change in the society on a larger scale through my knowledge. And law being a prestigious career would help me in doing so. Till now it had enhanced a lot in me and it will be continued.



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