Law Mantra, NLUJAA, MNLU-A, ICJ-London One Day International Seminar on Protection of Women and Children Rights: Issues and Challenges, 12th January, 2019 at The Indian Law Institute, New Delhi; Submit Abstract by 30th November, 2018

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Law Mantra, NLUJAA, MNLU-A & ICJ-London One Day International Seminar on Protection of Women and Children Rights: Issues and Challenges, 12th January, 2019 at The Indian Law Institute, New Delhi

Chief Patron                                                                                                             Hon’ble Mr. Justice. Deepak Verma,                                                                            Former Judge, Supreme Court of India.

Patron                                                                                                                        Prof. (Dr.) J. S. Patil, Vice Chancellor, National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam.   Prof. (Dr.) S. Surya Prakash, Vice-Chancellor, Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad.                                                                                                Dr. Adish C. Aggarwala, President, ICJ-London.

About Law Mantra

“Law Mantra” (headquarters New Delhi) (Registration No 150 in Book No.4 Vol No 3, 603 0f 2018) is not for profit organisation running for the purpose of enhancing legal academics and legal awareness in the society and in the practice of the same.

“Law Mantra” is a body of Jurists, Advocates, Academicians and Students running for the purpose of enhancing legal academics and legal awareness in the society and in the practice of the same. “Law Mantra” an association of alumni of all National Law Universities. enable the people to take responsibility for the situation of the deprived Indian women and children and so motivate them to seek resolution through individual and collective action thereby enabling women and children to realize their full potential. 

About National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam

The National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam (NLUJAA) has been established by the Government of Assam by way of enactment of the National Law School and Judicial Academy, Assam Act, 2009 (Assam Act No. XXV of 2009). The word ‘School’ was replaced by the word ‘University’ by amending the National Law School and Judicial Academy, Assam Act, 2011. The Hon’ble Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court is the Chancellor of the University. NLUJAA promotes and makes available modern legal education and research facilities to students and scholars drawn from across the country, Including the North East, coming from different socio-economic, ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds.

About Maharashtra National Law University (MNLU), Aurangabad

Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad has been established by the Maharashtra National Law University Act, 2014 (Mah. Act No. VI of 2014), of Maharashtra State Legislature and the university has been successful in instilling a sense of broad perspective along with scholastic and reflexive capabilities, bearing in mind larger national and humanitarian goals in its students. The university intends to invoke discussions and ventilation of thought-provoking ideas on varied legal issues from the faculty, jurists, scholars and students in India and abroad.

Protection of Women and Children Rights: Issues and Challenges

The main objectives of the issue will be:

  • Promotion of international, comparative and global research, advocacy, law reform and policy initiatives on women and child rights;
  • Opening up a global discussion on ‘children, development and governance’ from a child rights perspective;
  • Research, advocacy, education and policy engagement on women and child right;
  • To bring together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to discuss problems, disseminate learning, and share international lessons – learned, existing policy research, and studies on various social protection schemes which, in particular, impact women and children.

The present seminar is aiming at highlighting different issues underlining women and children. We welcome different stakeholders, activists, academicians, researchers, lawyers, medical professionals and bureaucrats. This seminar is a noble initiation of Law Mantra in association with National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam and Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad. We are considering this seminar as a platform to initiate a RIGHT discourse, expecting thought provoking, multidisciplinary, quality research papers.

Themes for Seminar

  • Child Protection Laws in India.
  • Child Protection Laws and Role of NHRC and other agencies.
  • Specific issues with regard to protection of children in India.
  • Protection of Children: International Laws framework.
  • Sexual Harassment at Work Place.
  • Women empowerment and domestic violence.
  • Cyber Space and Women.
  • Reproductive Technologies and Rights of Women.
  • Eve- teasing, Molestation, Sexual Abuse and Rape.

Note: These Themes are not exhaustive; Authors are open to work on any topic related to above-mentioned theme.

Procedure for Submission of Abstracts: 

Abstract (of about 250 words) should be sent as an attachment in a word file. Abstracts will be peer reviewed before they are accepted. The following information, in the given format, should be send along with the Abstract:

  • Name of the Participant
  • Official Designation/Institution Details
  • Address and Email id
  • Title of Abstract
  • Abstract

The subject line of Email should read as: “Abstract Submission for International Seminar on Protection of Women and Children Rights: Issues and Challenges”.

Guidelines for Paper Submission

  • The title of the paper should be followed by Name, Designation, Name of the Organization / University / Institution and Email address. It is mandatory to mention Email address, as all future correspondence will be through it.
  • Name and details of Co-author, if any.
  • The paper should be typed in MS WORD format (preferably 2007 
or 2010).
  • The paper must be in single column lay out with margins justified 
on both sides.
  • The sub heading should be in font size 12, bold and Times New 
Roman, left aligned.
  • The main text should be in font size 12, Normal, Times New 
Roman, 1.5 spacing and Justified.
  • The length of paper should not exceed 6,000 words (including 
footnotes). Exceeding the word limit may lead to rejection of 
  • All references must be in the form of footnotes with font size 10 
and should be according to the Bluebook 19th Edition.

Publication Opportunity

Selected will be published in UGC Referred Book bearing ISBN, International Journal of Legal Research and Governance and Law Mantra Journal. (If Selected for Publication in UGC Referred Book bearing ISBN,Publication Charge will be Extra as Per bill of Publication House).

Students Rs 1500/-
Faculties/Professionals/Research Scholars/Others Rs 2000/-
Presentation in Absentia for Students Rs 2200/-
Presentation in Absentia Faculties/Professionals/Research Scholars/Others Rs 2500/-
Students Rs 1000/-
Faculties/Professionals/Research Scholars/Others Rs 1500/-
Submission of Abstract 30th November, 2018
Confirmation of abstract selection 5th December, 2018
Registration 24th December, 2018
Submission of Full paper 05th January, 2019
Seminar Date 12th January, 2019


Who Should Attend?

Students, Research Scholars/Faculties/Academicians, Disability Rights Activist,Corporate Delegates, Business entities, Lawyers.

Rules for the Participants:

  • No abstract or full paper shall be accepted after the last date of submission respectively.
  • Participants / Paper Presenters have to register after the acceptance of abstract with payment of required fees.
  • For participation, registration is mandatory on confirmation of the participation. Only registered participants will be allowed to take part in Conference.
  • All the registered participants will be provided a participation certificate, conference kit, lunch and tea.

Note: The authors and Co-authors both have register separately

The registration fee includes conference kit, lunch, High Tea, entry to all Technical session, and Certificates.

Registration:Submit your abstract to with Subject line ‘Abstract Submission Protection of Women and Children Rights: Issues and Challenges’.

Coordination & Organizing Committee: 

  • Prof. (Dr.) Kondaiah Jonnalagadda, Professor of Law, Maharashtra National Law University Aurangabad.
  • Ms. Monmi Gohain, Assistant Professor of Law, National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam.
  • Mr.Aditya Mishra, Managing Trustee, Law Mantra.
  • Ms. Akansha Jain, Joint Secretary, Law Mantra.


For any queries, feel free to drop email to or call on +91- 9310053923, +91-9667822453.

For More Details Visit:Clik HEre

Venue: Indian Law Institute, Bhagwan Dass Road, New Delhi

To Download Brochure Click HERE                                                                                       To Download Registration Form for Presentation Click HERE                                                      To Download Registration Form for Participation Click HERE



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