- The High Court of Himachal Pradesh invites online applications from the eligible desirous candidates for filling-up the following existing and future vacancies of Class-III category, on the Establishment of High Court.
- The examination fee for the candidates applying online against the advertised vacancy is Rs.340/- (plus GST as applicable) for General (UR) category and Rs. 190/- (plus GST as applicable) for all other reserved categories other than General (UR) category who deserve fee relaxation/exemption under the Rules and the same shall have to be paid ONLY IN ONLINE MODE. The fee, paid once, shall not be refunded to the candidate, in any case. Age of the candidate should not be less than 18 year or more than 45 years as on 1st January, 2021. However, in case, the candidate belongs to any reserved category, the relaxation in upper age limit shall be permissible as may be prescribed by the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh from time to time for entry into service for the candidates belonging to such categories.
- The eligible candidates will ONLY be informed through Email and SMS alerts on their registered Email IDs and mobile numbers about the examination schedule etc. No separate communication/call letters etc. will be sent in offline mode. Therefore, the candidates are advised to fill-up their Email IDs and Mobile number(s) carefully and correctly while applying online. However, the candidate must have to bring along the duly filled-in ADMIT CARD which is to be downloaded from our website from their individual login credentials, at the time of appearing in the exams/test as shall be conveyed to him/her, failing which they will not be allowed to appear in the test/exams.
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