The District Legal Services Authority, Kamrup with its office at the District & Sessions Judge Court Complex, was constituted by the Assam State Legal Services Authority, Guwahati vide Notification No. LGL/176/94/PT/11/48, Dtd. 07.04.98 with the very purpose to assure and secure equal justice for all, specially to the weaker section of the society irrespective of caste, creed and race. It was the need of the hour to take cheap and speedy justice to the door-step of the economically poor and the needy.
About the Opportunity
As per approval of the Hon’ble Executive Chairman, Assam State Legal Services Authority, Guwahati applications are invited from the intending candidates in the standard form as published in part IX of the Assam Gazette for filling up of the following posts on a contractual basis under the establishment of the District Legal Services Authority, Kamrup (M), Guwahati, Assam.
Number of Vacancies
- Assistant Legal Aid Defence Counsel: 02 (Two)
- Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel: 02 (Two)
- Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel: 01 (One)
Roles and Responsibilities
Legal Aid Defense Counsel Office shall be dealing exclusively with legal aided matters in criminal matters, and at the first instance, in Sessions Courts. It shall not be dealing with civil matters. Primarily, the following legal services shall be provided through the Legal Aid Defense Counsel Office to accused/convicts:
- Legal Advice and Assistance
- Conducting trial and appeals in Sessions Courts.
- Handling Bail applications in Sessions Courts
- Any other legal aided work related to Sessions Courts
Eligibility Criteria
Assistant Legal Aid Defence Counsel
- LL.B
- Practice in criminal law from 0 to 3 years.
- Good oral and written communication skills.
- Thorough understanding of ethical duties of defence counsel.
- Ability to work effectively and efficiently with others.
- Excellent writing and research skills
Age Limit: Not less than 30 years
Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel
- LL.B
- Practice in Criminal law for at least 7 years.
- Excellent understanding of criminal law
- Excellent oral and written communication skills.
- Skill in legal research.
- Thorough understanding of ethical duties of defence counsel.
- Ability to work effectively and efficiently with others.
- Must have handled at least 20 criminal trials including appeals in Sessions Courts
Age Limit: Not less than 35 years
Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel
- LL.B
- Practice in Criminal law for at least 10 years
- Excellent oral and written communication skills.
- Excellent understanding of criminal law.
- Thorough understanding of ethical duties of a defence counsel.
- Ability to work effectively and efficiently with others.
- Must have handled at least 30 criminal trials including appeals in Sessions Courts.
Age Limit: Not less than 35 years
- Assistant Legal Aid Defence Counsel: Rs. 20,000-40,000 per month
- Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel: Rs. 30,000-60,000 per month
- Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel: Rs. 50,000-75,000 per month
How to Apply?
- Duly filled applications on Standard Form of application (Assam Gazette Part IX) along with self attested photocopies of all the relevant testimonials and 2 (Two) copies of recent Passport size photographs should be addressed to The Secretary, District Legal Services Authority,Kamrup (M), District and Sessions Judge’s Court Campus, Panbazar, Guwahati-01.
- The name of the post should clearly be mentioned at the top of the envelop. Providing of contact numbers with e mail Id are compulsory.
- Applications will be received in the office of the DLSA, Kamrup(M) till 4 P. M or by post on all working days within 15 days from the date of publication of this Advertisement.
- Application received after the last date of submission will be rejected. The undersigned shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
- Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected without assigning any reason.
Selection Process
- Legal Aid Defence Counsel shall be engaged on contract basis in each project district initially for a period of two years with a stipulation of extension on satisfactory performance if the project continues.
- Selection of Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel, Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel, Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel and also of the ministerial staff will be based on merit, taking into account the knowledge, skills and experience of candidates.
- The selection shall be carried out by Selection committee as envisaged in NALSA ( Free and Competent Legal Services) Regulations 2010.
Application Deadline
July 30th, 2021
Kamrup, Guwahati, Assam
Click here for the official recruitment page of Assam Officer of the District and Sessions Judge.
Click here for the official information.