Job Opportunity for Post-Graduates: Assistant Manager (AM) at IBBI (Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India), Delhi [5 Vacancies]: Apply by Mar 31

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(IBBI), a statutory body established under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, invites applications for 05 (Five) posts of Assistant Manager (Grade ‘A’) on deputation from eligible officers currently working in Central Government, State Governments, Union Territories, PSUs, Autonomous Organizations, RBI, Banks, Financial Institutions, Regulatory Bodies, Statutory Bodies and Academies.

Number of Vacancies

5 (Five)

Duration of Engagement

The appointment for the post will be on a deputation basis for an initial period of three (3) years, which shall be extendable by one year at a time subject to mutual consent.


(a) Officers of RBI, Banks, Financial Institutions, Regulatory Bodies, Statutory Bodies and Academies:

Officers with not less than 2 years of experience in officer cadre or Junior Management Grade, AND Possessing the following desirable educational qualification:

Master of Business Administration with specialization in law/finance/economics/accountancy


Post Graduate in law/finance/economics/accountancy from a recognized University or Institution with knowledge of Insolvency or Bankruptcy issues.

(b) Officers in Government:

An officer of the Central Government or State Governments or Union Territories or PSUs

(i) with regular service in Level 10 (Rs. 56100-177500) in the pay matrix of 7th CPC or Grade Pay of Rs. 4800 in PAY BAND-2 in the Pre-revised scale;


with 2 years of service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in Level 7 (Rs. 44900-142400) in the pay matrix of 7th CPC or Grade Pay of Rs. 4600 in PAY BAND-2 in the Pre-revised scale; AND

Having desirable experience in the field of law, finance, economics, accountancy or Administration.


Present pay for Assistant Manager (Grade ’A’) is 28,150-1550(4)-34350-1750(7)-46600-EB-1750(4)-53600-2000(1)-55600 (17).

Other benefits including House Allowance, Transport, LFC and Medical Benefits will be admissible as per IBBI service regulations.

Applying Procedure

The applications in the format given at Annexure-B, complete in all respects, may be submitted to General Manager (HR), 7th Floor, Mayur Bhawan, Connaught Place, New Delhi -110001 or submitted over mail to, through proper channel, so as to reach the office at the latest by February 7, 2022.

Mode of Selection


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Revised Notification

Application Proforma

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