IX Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia on 29th and 30th Nov. 2018 in Belgrade

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IX Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia

New and Old Forms of Victimization:

Challenges for Victimology Theory and Practice

 Belgrade, 29th and 30 th November 2018

Hotel 88 rooms

Takovska 49

The conference aims to bring together experts and researchers, who deal both theoretically and practically and from the perspective of different disciplines with victims’ rights and provide assistance to victims of crime, human rights’ violations and other forms of suffering, and enable comprehensive exchange of experience and knowledge.

Within the main Conference topic, the focus will be on reconsidering and reimagining new and old forms of victimization, their characteristics and social responses to them, particularly in the context of the development of new technologies, globalization and fast social and economic changes. The speakers will point out to the challenges for the victimology theory and practice in this context. Through presentations and discussion, key victimological concepts will be re-imagined, the consequences of new forms of victimization for victims will be considered and it will be pointed out to the need for developing new approaches to dealing with the consequences of victimization and providing assistance and support to victims.

A special plenary session entitled New and old forms of violence against women: The challenges of social reactions will be dedicated to prof. Slobodanka Konstantinović-Vilić, a retired Full Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Niš, one of the founders of the Victimology Society of Serbia, researcher and activist. Presentations in this session will deal with various aspects of violence against women and the existing forms of social response to it, including both institutional and civil society responses.

The conference work will be organized through:

  • Plenary sessions
  • Thematic sessions
  • Workshops
  • Poster presentations


Call for submission of abstracts of papers, proposals for the thematic sessions and workshops, and poster presentations

If you wish to present your paper in the thematic sessions, we invite you to submit an abstract.

It is desirable that the papers relate to the below mentioned topics, but it is possible to propose papers that relate to other issues within the general theme of the Conference:

  • New and old forms of victimization
  • Challenges of social reaction and protection of victims in the context of developing new technologies, globalization and social and economic changes
  • Victimology theory and practice: challenges and perspectives
  • Protection of victims: International and European legislation and policy
  • Victims and contemporary social responses to crime
  • Impact of the contemporary social context on victimization, victim protection and possibilities of prevention
  • Terrorism and victims
  • Cyber victimization and challenges of victim support and protection
  • Migration and victimization
  • Victimology and victims
  • Different categories of victims and victimization
  • Victims’ rights
  • The application of restorative approaches and practices
  • Victims of discrimination and human rights’ violations
  • Consequences of victimization and victims’ assistance
  • The role of civil society in the protection of victims
  • Victim support services
  • Victims and institutions
  • Legislation and victims
  • Media and victims

The length of the abstract should not exceed 400 words. It should be written in English, in format Times New Roman, 12 and submitted through the E-mail: vdsconference@gmail.com

In the abstract header it is necessary to specify:

  • The title of the paper
  • Name and surname of the author
  • Organization/institution and contact details (address, phone, e-mail) of the author

In case of co-authored papers, please provide the data for each author separately.

The abstract must contain the following elements:

  • The subject of the paper
  • The aim of the paper
  • Basic themes that would be covered by the paper
  • In case of empirical research, it is necessary to provide information about the method, sample, who and when has carried out the research.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is 1st October 2018.

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee of the Conference. Information about whether your abstract has been accepted will be sent before 10th October 2018. Accepted abstracts will be included in one of the thematic sessions.

If you are interested in organizing a thematic session or a workshop, we invite you to submit the following:

  • The title of the thematic session or workshop
  • Contact information of the organizer of the thematic session or workshop
  • Names of the presenters and their contact details
  • Description of the thematic session or workshop
  • Abstracts of all presenters who will speak within the session or workshop, which have to contain all the above mentioned elements.

The deadline for submitting proposals of thematic sessions and workshops with abstracts of the presenters is 1st October 2018.

Submitted proposals will be reviewed by the Program Committee. Information on whether the proposed thematic sessions and workshops have been accepted will be sent before 10th October 2018. Accepted proposals of thematic sessions and workshops will be included in the Conference program.

If you wish to present your research, on-going projects, your organization or institution through the poster presentation, we invite you to submit the following:

  • The title of the poster presentation
  • Short description of the content of the poster (up to 200 words)
  • Name and surname, organization/institutions and contact details of the author(s)

The deadline for submitting proposals for poster presentations is 1st October 2018. Submitted proposals will be reviewed by the Program Committee. Information on whether the proposed poster presentations have been accepted will be sent before 10th October 2018. Accepted proposals of poster presentations will be included in the Conference program.

Please note that only abstracts of papers/posters of the authors who register and pay the registration fee can be presented and will be published in the book of abstracts. Registration form and information on the registration fee are attached to this invitation. Selected conference proceedings will be published after the Conference (in a full version).

The keynote speakers are:

Prof. dr Robert Peacock

Prof. dr Robert Peacock is a Vice-President of the World Society of Victimology and Chair in the Department of Criminology at the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein (South Africa). He was academic leader of the Criminology and Forensic Studies Cluster at the University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. Since the apartheid years prof. dr Peacock has been working actively in the field of victimology with Child Justice and Institutional Victimisation as particular focus areas. The areas of his expertise refer to the Victimology of State Crime with specific reference to the phenomenon of Children Deprived of their Liberty, Transitional justice and the advancement of an African Victimology. Professor Peacock is a founding member and course co-director of the African Postgraduate Course of Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice (World Society of Victimology). Professor Peacock served for a number of years as the editor of the accredited and peer reviewed Southern African Journal of Criminology, Acta Criminologica.

 Prof. dr Anabel Cerezo

Prof. dr Anabel Cerezo is an Associate Professor at the Criminal Law Department, University of Malaga (Spain), Director of the Institute of Criminology at the University of Malaga, Member of the International Editorial Board of the International Journal of Cyber Crimes and Criminal Justice, Executive Secretary of the Andalusian Society of Victimology and member of the Spanish Group of Criminal Policy. She has been President and Executive Secretary of the Spanish Society of Criminological Research, Former Member of the Board of the European Society of Criminology, Former Member of the Scientific Commission of the International Society of Criminology, and Director of the Criminological Bulletin. The areas of her research and specialization include: cybercrime, victimology, women and prisons, and criminal justice.

Prof. dr May-Len Skilbrei

Prof. dr May-Len Skilbrei is Professor and Head of the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, University of Oslo (Norway). She was a researcher and a managing director of the Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies. Prof. Skilbrei’s research interests are mobility, gender and sexuality. She has done empirical studies on subjectivities in, and policy developments on prostitution and human trafficking, sexual violence, marriage, labour, irregular migration and return migration.

Prof. dr Nevena Petrusic

Prof. dr Nevena Petrusic is a Full Professor at the Law Faculty, University of Nis. She was the first Commissioner for the Protection of Equality in Serbia (2010- 2015) and the Dean of the Law Faculty, University of Nis (2008-2010). She was a member and from 2010 the Vice-President of the Gender Equality Council. She is one of the founders of the Victimology Society of Serbia and the Women’s Research Centre for Education and Communication in Nis. In the period from 2010 to 2012 she served as the editor-in-chief of the academic journal Temida. Prof. dr Petrusic is a member of the Advisory Board of the academic journal Temida and the Steering Committee of the Victimology Society of Serbia.

Prof. dr Sladjana Jovanovic

Prof. dr Sladjana Jovanovic is a Full Professor at the Law Faculty, University Union in Belgrade. Since 2015 she has been the Vice-Rector of the University Union in Belgrade. Prof. dr Jovanovic served as a Vice-dean for science and education at the Law Faculty, University Union. She is a member of the Executive Board of the Victimology Society of Serbia and the Editorial Board of the academic journal Temida. Her research interests are in the field of domestic violence, criminal justice, criminology and victimology.

Doc. dr Natalija Zunic

Doc. dr Natalija Zunic is an assistant professor at the Law Faculty, University of Nis. She is one of the founders of the Victimology Society of Serbia, Women’s Research Centre for Education and Communication, S.O.S. hotline for women and child victims of violence and the Women’s Studies in Nis. Main fields of doc. dr Zunic’s theoretical work and activism include feminism and multidisciplinary theoretical research on gender, rights and politics. She participated in numerous projects that are part of her professional and civil engagement in promotion and protection of women’s rights. Doc. dr Zunic is a member of the Editorial Board of the academic journal Temida.

Dr Tanja Ignjatovic

Dr Tanja Ignjatovic is the coordinator of the program for research, knowledge development, education of representatives of institutions, analysis of public policies and public advocacy in the non-governmental organization Autonomous Women’s Center from Belgrade. She was the coordinator of the working groups for the development of strategic documents for the protection of women against violence, coordinator of the thematic group for improving the position of women in drafting the National Strategy for the Fight against Discrimination.


For any additional information about the Conference, please contact Bejan Saciri on the telephone +381 11 6303022 or via E-mail vdsconference@gmail.com or vdsrbija@gmail.com


For Full Information, CLICK HERE

For Registration Form, CLICK HERE

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