Interview with Sandhya Ram (Assistant Professor) at V.M.Salgaocar College of Law, Goa.
Crenzia, Student,
V.M. Salgaocar College of Law, Goa.
Ma’am, as being a law teacher, how would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
I learn and help learn
- What inspired you to join law, were you able to satisfy yourself inspiration.
My father, being a lawyer and my childhood having been spent in District Court vicinities, had developed an interest since those days.
- How was your law school journey?
That was my only choice, and the journey was worth it, shaped perspectives and learnt to find law.
- What are the opportunities that are open today to Law Teachers? How does one grow in this noble profession?
Legal education will emerge with many more law universities, and this would provide ample opportunities to law teachers.
Growing in this noble profession is growing yourself in integrity, keeping an open mind, a mind ready to learn, constant reading and not giving up original thinking.
- What’s the best thing about your job?
Being with young people and vibrant minds; the never ending frontiers of legal interpretation.
- Ma’am, according to you what is the importance of Mooting,Publication and Internships in a law student life?
Help shape the student’s lawyering skills and enhances networking and analytical power.
- Did you face problems in taking up law teaching as a profession and how did you cope up with all this?
Mine was a smooth journey, as if destined.
- What is the one thing that keeps you going?
Passion for learning
- Law profession demands a lot of attention and determination and also sleepless nights, what are those thoughts, the ideas which you had in the initial days of your struggle which never let you sleep?
Once there is interest and aptitude, learning law is nothing less than fun. It is a most enjoyable experience. Whenever I gave up sleep, it was the thrill and interest which let me forget time.
- The best experience and a success habit you would like to share as a student for our readers that would encourage them.
Never think of exams and marks, as you learn. Involve yourself and enjoy studies. The best experience is reading from a variety of good books and preparing notes for yourself (not necessarily for exams). It will forever remain in your memory. Develop the skill of fast reading. As you read look out for new ideas and skip through the ones you already know.
- What would you suggest for the students who are new to the law profession and those who are graduating?
Keep an open mind, be original and passionate of your work.
- How do you measure the success of any person in their career?
Satisfaction and Happiness they derive from their work.
- What according to you should be the prime concern for law students?
The basic concepts are to be thoroughly learnt.
- What would be your message to the Law students to encourage them and to grow them in their personal as well as professional lives?
Be upright, and seek the best in everyone. Separate issues from persons.
15. Any suggestions or comments for the students?
Nothing can be taught, but everything can be learnt. And there is no expiry date for learning.
16. Ma’am,your views on LawOF and token of Love and message to our readers?
Best wishes and happiness always to all
17. Any Quotation from your experience.
Do what you love and love what you do.
Thanks for taking the time to share your unique journey with us, and best of luck to you!

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