INTERNSHIP TRIAL: Internship Experience @ NGO, Delhi “Being a law student having only bookish knowledge is not enough one should also gather the knowledge of outside world.” Nadeem Ahmad.

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Internship Experience @ NGO, Delhi

“Being a law student having only bookish knowledge is not enough one should also gather the knowledge of outside world.” Nadeem Ahmad.


Name Of the Student:

Nadeem Ahmad

Year of Study:


College Name:


Organization Name, City:

NGO, Delhi

Duration of the Internship:

22 days


10 am to 5 pm

Main Task Work Profile:

Research work on current topic swachta abhiyan.

Work Environment at office:

The work environment was very cool and everyone present there was very calm and the coordinators were very cooperative.


No stipend.

First day at organization:

Though I was nervous but my excitement level was very high and my first day at the ngo was awesome . i had a very good experience.

Best Part of Internship:

Going to rural areas and making the people aware how important is to keep  there area clean .

Biggest Lesson:

The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.

Anything else you’d like to tell: 

Being a law student having only bookish knowledge is not enough one should also gather the knowledge of outside world.

Any Message to other Law Students:

Being a law student we should always be calm and composed in any situation we face.

From LawOF:

Dear Nadeem Ahmad

Best of Luck for the Future.



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