Internship opportunity @ Society for Legal Reforms & Student Welfare(Work From Home)

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Society For Legal Reforms & Student Welfare

(Work from Home)

For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:

Internships & Research Associations

A guidance or to say a proper training is necessary for everyone and to inculcate the same learning objective in everyone we hereby declare our Internship Programmes open. We will be having two kinds of programmes running simultaneously and any interested person can enroll himself in any one of these programmes and trust us at any point of time it won’t hamper your routine.

How ?  The question arises here…

So we don’t want you to do any work apart from your routine . On daily basis we come across many things and news articles on social media or in print media. Don’t ignore them and take a note of it , research on the same and  think how will it go the possible solutions and the ways to implement them. Make a formal note give it to us we will make sure that people listen to what you have to say.

1. Internship

It will be a short-time / part-time program in which you are supposed to work from home and submit some articles maybe 2 per week and we will publish it on our site. It has to be of minimum 2 months. In return you will get Publication in our journal/ In our partner journals…. Chance to secure good Internships for future… A certificate of Completion and many more things.

2. Research Associations

It will be a project based association and in which  the person based on his interest can associate with us and take up the project  as per his choice of field and/or intrest. Duration of this internship will be till the time of completion of the project or/3 month (which happens earlier). Only upon sucessful  completion of the project he is liable for the certificate of appreciation and letter of recommendation.

How to Apply ?

If you wish to enroll yourself for any of the one above listed program you can mail your CV to or can contact us at +91-8370016740 / 9650759217


For Complete Information,  CLICK HERE





LawOF does not claim any responsibility for the above mentioned Event/Program. We thus request you to verify its credentials on your sole responsibility, before applying for it.

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