Internship@ Foxfro & Partners, at Gorakhpur. ( With Stipend ) Application Open

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Internship@ Foxfro & Partners, at Gorakhpur.

( With Stipend )

Application Open

About the Organisation

Foxfro & Partners is a corporate legal firm with its inception in 2014 at Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. This firm is directed by three associates: Advocate H.Z Khan, Advocate Vikas Tiwari and Advocate Abhishek Srivastava. This firm exclusively deals in Consumer Laws, Family Matters, Civil, Criminal, Company laws, Banking, Insurance and Research.

Nature of internship

This internship will cover:-

  • Litigation
  • Research
  • Academics

No. Of interns required

Six interns (06)

Foxfro & Partners firm is located at 3rd floor, GDA Tower, Bal Vihar, Golghar, Gorakhpur, U.P.

Who can apply

Law pursuing students with good communication skills and computer savvy.


  • Certificate of internship
  • Letter of recommendation and recognition of work
  • Stipend as per the work of interns

Duration of internship:

Duration of internship can be of 28 days, 45 days or 60 days.

Application procedure

  • Mail your C.V along with cover letter at the E-mail ID-
  • Selected students will go through face to face interview.

Contact info

 Email –

Contact no:  9554474795


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