Internship Experience @ SAIL, Delhi.
BY Harshita Rai, School of Law, Mody university
Harshita Rai
Year of Study:
5th year
College Name:
College of Law and Governance, Mody university
Internship Organization Name, City:
SAIL, Delhi
About Organization:
Public sector company and is largest iron and steel producer in India.
Duration of Internship:
1 month
Date & Year:
4th July 2016 to 4th August 2016
10 a.m- 05 p.m
Main Task Work Profile:
Drafting, case study, court visits
Work Environment at office:
Very friendly. Mentors are very supportive and ready to help.
No stipend
First day at organization:
We were made to sit in the library and after few formalities our mentor came and gave us case files to read and to prepare summary which we were supposed to mail by the end of the evening. We were given a project topic as well.
Best Part of Internship:
Working environment was very friendly. They had their own cafeteria which offered great food.
Biggest Lesson:
Working with SAIL will definitely brush up your skills in the field of law of arbitration and will enhance your drafting skills.
From LawOF:
Dear Harshita Rai
Best of Luck for Future.
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