Internship Experience @ Narasapuram West Godavari, Court, AP. “Do not neglect internship…” MohanaSai Baba Gunisetti

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Internship Experience @ Narasapuram West Godavari, Court, AP.

“Do not neglect internship…” MohanaSai Baba Gunisetti

Name of the Student:

MohanaSai Baba Gunisetti

Year of Study:

First year

College Name:

Faculty of law, ICFAI University Dehradoon

Organization Name, City :

Narasapuram West Godavari, Court, AP

About Organization:  

Its magnificent, unique and well organized. All the queries were diligently answered.

Duration of the Internship:

15th may to 16thjune


9:00 am to 4:00pm

Main Task Work Profile:

Observation of court proceedings and reporting to our mentor what have been observed by us at the court premises.

Work Environment at office:

Good and friendly



First day at organization:

Pretty fine and learnt many things in that day itself

Best Part of Internship:

Cross examination which I have experienced

Biggest Lesson:

Hard work never fails

Anything else you’d like to tell: 

Patiently listening to the courts arguments teaches one the art of arguing in the court premises. Witnessing the work like cross examination teaches a student something which is not possible to learn at law school.

Any Message to other Law Students:

Do not neglect internship it will give a lot of practical knowledge which is most important for a Law student.

From LawOF:

Dear MohanaSai Baba Gunisetti

Best of Luck for the Future.



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