Internship Experience @ Chhattisgarh state Human Right Commission, Raipur. BY Bhim Singh Patel, Balaji Law College

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Internship Experience @ Chhattisgarh state Human Right Commission, Raipur. BY Bhim Singh Patel, Balaji Law College


Bhim Singh Patel


B. A. LL. B

Year of Study:

2014 – 2019

College Name:

Balaji Law College

Internship Organization Name, City:

Chhattisgarh state Human Right Commission, Raipur

Organisation Website(If Available):

Organisation Contact Details((If Available):

Near DKS Bhawan, Byron Bazar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001, 077122 35591

About Organization:

CG Human State Rights Commission
The Protection of Human Rights Act 1993, (an Act of the Parliament), provides for establishment of the National Human Rights Commission at the national level and State Human Rights Commissions at the state level. In the State of Chhattisgarh, the CG Human Rights Commission was established on 16th April 2001. Shri Justice K. M. Agrawal, a former Chief Justice of Sikkim High Court was appointed as Chairperson and Shri K. A. Jacob, former D. G. P. of Bihar was appointed as member vide Notification No. 4139/GAD/2001 with effect from the date they assumed charge of the office.
General Info
The Human Rights Commission is an autonomous high power human rights watch body which derives its authority from the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. Its autonomy lies, among other things, in the method of appointment of its Chairperson and Members, their fixed tenure and the statutory guarantee provided in section 23 of the Act, and the financial autonomy referred to in section 33 of the Act. The high status of the Commission is found in the status of the Chairperson, Members and its functionaries. Like other Commissions, only a former Chief Justice of a High Court can be appointed as Chairperson and, likewise, the Secretary to the Commission is an officer not below the rank of Secretary to the State Government. The Commission has an investigating agency of its own.

Duration of Internship:

28 days

Date & Year:

11th Nov 2014 to 09 Dec 2014


10.00 am to 02.00 pm

Main Task Work Profile:

Reading bare Act and cases for understood the actual procedure of the commission. We have read the cases and making the report and submit to Mr. Rathore. (Joint Secretary)

Work Environment at office:

Working hours atmosphere was good all staff members are so helpfull. Every time they said. If u have any problem we are here.



First day at organization:

First day at the commission was good. Meeting with joint secretary. He was bitty strict but he was giving basic info about procedure of the commission and staff members also so helpful.

Best Part of Internship:

Best part of internship was facing the witness . We also hearing the problem. Many people came with their problems. We also try to suggest them. What to do. It’s feel like advisor. Feeling was good.

Biggest Lesson:

We learn that what is actually human right and commission’s work. How to use or apply rights.

Anything else you’d like to tell:

During internship I was meet with many type of people who facing problem. Great thing was that we make good frenzz . Who came with another area they also share their experience .

Any Message to other Law Students:

Every law student want to do internship with very high reputed firm or organization. But it’s also depends your view on that. If anyone call me to suggest for any intership. i will prefer u this HRC. Becozz we get knowledge not only form books it’s also important that practically. This is great platform for show your performance . Law is not work with out interest. So guys do your best enjoy the law student life. All the best.

From LawOF:

Dear Bhim Singh Patel

Best of Luck for the Future.





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