Internship Experience @ Chambers of Adv. V.K. Mathur Jaipur.
“Law students must do internships in courts” Harshvardhan Singh
Name of the Student:
Harshvardhan Singh Gaur
Year of Study:
2nd year
College Name:
FOL, The ICFAI university, Dehradun(U.K.)
Adv. V.K. Mathur, H.C. Jaipur Bench, Jaipur(Raj.)
Duration of the Internship:
16th May to 15th June, 2016
8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m
Main Task Work Profile:
Interns helped Mr. Mathur in drafting notices and also had to prepare list of cases. Mr. Mathur hold cases in Rajasthan H.C. Jaipur bench from daily roaster. We were required to summarise the cases which are to be referred in the arguments in the court premises.
Work Environment at office:
Work environment at office was good, friendly and suitable for the interns to learn many things.
First day at Organization:
On 1st day of my internship at H.C. Mr. Mathur guided me in court rooms about how the proceedings go on in Jaipur H.C. and gave some of the files to take a look.
Best Part of Internship:
Best part of internship is that we drafted notices against opponent parties and helped Mr. Mathur in filing documents and also able to hear proceedings of gujjar reservation case.
Biggest Lesson:
Biggest lesson is that college academics are totally different from practical life and work in courts. So internships are the major sources which make you familiar with that practical environment.
Anything else you’d like to tell:
Internship experience in H.C. was good and Mr. Mathur was very helpful and kind person and the biggest plus point is this he also deals with CAT and RAT and this opens a wider scope for knowing different fields during internship.
Any Message to other Law Students:
Law students must do internships in courts, district courts makes them perfect in filing documents and H.C. internships help them in improving their argumentative skills. So, one must do internship in district courts as well as H.C.
From LawOF:
Dear Harshvardhan Singh Gaur
Best of Luck for the Future.