Internship Experience @ Bokaro Civil Court, Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand BY Kumar Mangalam, CNLU, Patna

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Internship Experience @ Bokaro Civil Court, Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand

BY Kumar MangalamChanakya National Law University, Patna


Kumar Mangalam



Year of Study:


College Name:

Chanakya National Law University, Patna

Internship Organization Name, City:

Bokaro Civil Court, Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand

About Organization:

Interning at district court gave me a lot of experience about the future problems we have to handle.

Duration of Internship:

About a month and half.

Date & Year:

10th May 2016 to 9th July 2016.


10 am to 5 pm

Main Task Work Profile:

Preparing briefings of the cases and helping the seniors with all my strength and knowledge.

Work Environment at office:

Helpful and very cooperative.



First day at organization:

Very interesting and interactive.

Best Part of Internship:

Researching and helping the seniors.

Biggest Lesson:

First learn and then earn.

Anything else you’d like to tell:

The mechanism and following of the court timings must be strictly followed.

Any Message to other Law Students:

If you want to prepare for judiciary in future or go for litigation get connected with the court of any hierarchy.

From LawOF:

Dear Kumar Mangalam

Best of Luck for Future.




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