International Conference[2019 UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day] on The role of UNICITRAL in Harmonization of Commercial Laws by GMU GNLU;Submit by Nov 20

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Gujarat National Law University, Gujarat Maritime University, and UNCITRAL RCAP

jointly organizing

“2019 UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day: International Conference on The role of UNICITRAL in Harmonization of Commercial Laws”

About the Conference

In the regime of internationalization of law, international organizations play a very significant role in harmonization and unification of international legal framework. In the present scenario, the role of the United Nations Commission On International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) has become noteworthy to contemplate and design the international legal framework for trade and commerce. This international conference entitled as, “the role of UNCITRAL in the harmonization of commercial laws” strives to provide discussions on the present commercial legal environment prevailing in India, with its underlying issues and challenges; and the need for harmonization reforms through UNCITRAL legal and model texts.
The conference will provide in-depth knowledge of the practical aspects of domestic commercial laws highlighting the need to integrate it with a global harmonized legal order to establish rule of law facilitating economic development and promoting international peace and prosperity.

Call for Presentations

International Conference on ‘The Role of UNCITRAL in Harmonization of Commercial Laws’ Jointly organized by Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, India, UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (UNCITRAL RCAP) and Gujarat Maritime University, Gandhinagar, India on 12-13 December 2019. The conference aims to explore the role of UNCITRAL in the harmonization of commercial Laws creating a forum for analysis and dialogue that will bring together academics, research scholars, UNCITRAL representatives, policymakers and civil society.

Through this Call for Presentations, GNLU–GMU UNCITRAL RCAP invites students, academicians, researchers, and practitioners to submit presentation proposals for the conference that examine or critically explores India or Asian country’s involvement with UNCITRAL legal and model texts. The presentations and ensuing discussions at the conference will bring innovative research evidence on debates and policy processes on different legal themes and will contribute to concrete policy recommendations and a better understanding of the need for harmonization of Indian or regional legal order in the area of commercial law.

Key themes of the Conference:

• Role of UNCITRAL in the harmonization of Commercial Law: Special Reference to India and Asia
• UNCITRAL: International contract and eCommerce,
• UNCITRAL and International Sales Law
• Insolvency and Bankruptcy Laws and UNCITRAL
• UNCITRAL and Alternate Dispute Resolution Mechanism
• UNCITRAL and Maritime Law
• Any contemporary/emerging issue relevant to main theme of the Conference

Submission Guidelines:

• The interested contributors are required to send their proposal for presentation in not more than 500 -550 words (excluding footnotes and title) mentioning the following points:
 Title of the presentation
 The object of the presentation
 The central research question of the presentation
 Research Findings

• After the selection of the proposal, the contributors are required to send their final presentation for 20 minutes(15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and answers) before the prescribed time limit.
• A soft copy of all the proposals for presentation/presentation must be sent to only.

Important Dates:

Submission of proposal for Presentation:20th November 2019
• Intimation about the selection of proposal for presentation/ poster presentation: 23rd November 2019
• Submission of Registration Form (with or without paper/poster presentation): 30 November 2019
For Registration link, click here
• Submission of Paper/Poster Presentation: 5/12/2019


• No Registration Fee
• Moderate accommodation is available in the GNLU campus on payment basis (Subject to availability) for accommodation contact Jignesh Patel Mobile +918511188715.

Who can participate?

Students, academics, research scholars, practitioners and others having experience in the field of law.

International Conference on the Role of UNICITRAL in Harmonization of Commercial Laws

Organizing Committee

Chief Patron

Prof. (Dr.) S. Shanthakumar
Director, Gujarat National Law University and
Director, Gujarat Maritime Univesity

Authority Coordinator

From Gujarat Maritime University
Mr Mr. SharadSarangadharan
Executive Director and Registrar,
Gujarat Maritime University

Ms Athita Kominder
Head UNICITRAL Regional Centre for
Asian and the Pacific Republic of Korea

Conference Convener

Prof. (Dr.) Mamata Biswal,
Professor of Law and ICSSR Senior Research Fellow,
Gujarat National Law University
Conference Co-Convener
Dr. Saira Gori
Assistant Professor of Law
Gujarat National Law University
Conference Co-Convener
Ms Harsha Rajwanshi
Assistant Professor of Law
Gujarat National Law University


Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra T.G.
Registrar (I/c) & Assistant Professor of Law
Gujarat National Law University
Organising Committee Members

Gujarat Maritime University

Dr. Shishir Upadhyaya
Mr. Waseem Ahmad Bhat, Assistant Professor of Law, Gujarat Maritime University
Mr Abhay Singh, Assistant Professor of Law, Gujarat Maritime University
Ms Ashima Sharma, Teaching and Research Associate, Gujarat Maritime University

Gujarat National Law University

Dr Richa Sharma, Assistant Professor, Gujarat National Law University
Mr Soham Bajpai, Assistant Professor of Law, Gujarat National Law University
MrLiladharPratapPatil, Administrative Assistant, Gujarat National Law University

Contact Info

For any queries related to the conference, kindly email to

For Brochure Click Here


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