What Is AGISS Research Institute?
AGISS Research Institute is an Independent, non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization. Our Aim is to conduct high quality research so that the governing bodies can make better decisions, and to work in conjunction with other organizations for other important issues pertaining to the society.
The legal landscape is dynamic, shaped by the ever-evolving socio-economic, technological, and environmental forces. To address the complexities of our time and explore viable solutions, we are thrilled to invite legal professionals, scholars, and experts to the International Conference on “Contemporary Issues in Law: Challenges and Solutions” hosted by AGISS Research Institute. This event promises to be a beacon of intellectual exchange, fostering collaboration among legal minds from diverse backgrounds.
The conference will cover many contemporary legal issues across seven thematic pillars. From the legal implications of artificial intelligence and blockchain to environmental sustainability, human rights, corporate governance, criminal justice reform, health law, and international trade, each theme is intricately designed to encapsulate the multifaceted challenges legal professionals face today.
What Are The Details Of The Opportunity?
- Themes:
- Legal Innovations in the Digital Era:
- Cybersecurity and Privacy Laws
- Artificial Intelligence and the Legal Landscape
- Blockchain and Smart Contracts
- E-Governance and Legal Implications
- Data Protection and Cross-Border Issues
- Environmental Law and Sustainability:
- Climate Change Litigation
- Environmental Regulations and Compliance
- Biodiversity Conservation and Legal Frameworks
- Land Use Planning and Legal Challenges
- Waste Management Laws and Circular Economy
- Human Rights in a Global Context:
- Challenges to Human Rights in the Age of Terrorism
- Gender Equality and Legal Reforms
- Migration, Refugees, and the Rule of Law
- Cultural Heritage Protection and Legal Frameworks
- Right to Privacy in the Digital Age
- Corporate Governance and Ethical Practices:
- Legal Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility
- Ethics in Business Law
- Corporate Compliance and Risk Management
- Intellectual Property and Corporate Innovation
- Legal Challenges in Mergers and Acquisitions
- Challenges in Criminal Justice Systems:
- Criminal Justice Reform and Policy Issues
- Technological Advancements in Criminal Investigations
- Juvenile Justice and Legal Implications
- Police Accountability and Legal Reforms
- Forensic Science and Legal Challenges
- Challenges in Criminal Justice Systems:
- Criminal Justice Reform and Policy Issues
- Technological Advancements in Criminal Investigations
- Juvenile Justice and Legal Implications
- Police Accountability and Legal Reforms
- Forensic Science and Legal Challenges
- Health Law and Bioethics:
- Medical Malpractice and Legal Ramifications
- Emerging Technologies in Healthcare and Legal Challenges
- Patient Rights and Privacy Laws
- Genomic Medicine and Legal Implications
- Access to Healthcare and Legal Barriers
- International Trade and Commerce:
- Global Trade Agreements and Legal Implications
- Cross-Border Disputes and Resolutions
- E-commerce Regulations and Challenges
- Intellectual Property Rights in International Trade
- Sanctions and Trade Law
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR):
- Mediation and Arbitration Practices
- ADR in Commercial Disputes
- Legal Frameworks for ADR Implementation
- Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Innovations
- ADR in Cross-Cultural Contexts
- Issues Concerning International Jurisdiction:
- Cross-Border Litigation Challenges
- Extraterritorial Application of Laws
- Jurisdictional Issues in Cybercrimes
- Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
- International Forum Shopping
- Family Law:
- Legal Implications of Family Structure Changes
- Child Custody and Support Laws
- Adoption Laws and Practices
- Domestic Violence Laws and Protections
- Marriage and Divorce Regulations
- Juvenile Justice:
- Legal Rights of Juveniles in Criminal Proceedings
- Youth Rehabilitation Programs and Legal Frameworks
- Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Strategies
- Legal Challenges in Youth Sentencing
- Criminal Responsibility Age and Legal Reforms
- Kindly do not submit the same paper to other journals/conferences/ seminars, etc.
- The submission must be an original work of the authors, i.e. the paper shouldn’t be plagiarised and should be free from grammatical, spelling, and other errors. It must not contain any defamatory words.
- The submissions should be unpublished.
- The author must include the declaration form stating that his work is original and hasn’t been published anywhere.
- Submission must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 500 words and author(s) affiliation. No paper will be accepted without an abstract and keywords (up to 5 words)
- Co-authorship of 2 or more authors is allowed.
- Author’s info to be attached:
- Name of the Author(s)
- Qualification
- Name of the Institution/Organization
- Email ID & Phone Number
- Submissions will be subjected to a plagiarism check during the initial scrutinisation process.
- The Submission should be made in .doc/.docx format only.
- The word limit for the abstract should be between 300-500 words with keywords upto 5 words.
- All abstracts will be accepted, subject to review and modification.
- The Indian Law Institute (ILI) rule of footnoting and citation style should strictly be followed in the submissions; non-compliance will lead to it being summarily rejecte.
- The word limit for research papers is 3000-6000 words (maximum, excluding footnotes).
- The body of the paper should be in Times New Roman, with font size 12 and 1. Line spacing.
- Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10, with single-line spacing.
- Pages Borders should not be used.
- The email should entail the following:
- Abstract with keywords (without the author’s details).
- Cover Letter [with the name(s), institutional affiliation(s), and contact details of the author(s)]
- Abstracts and research papers should strictly be submitted via Google Form Link only. Notification of the selection of abstracts shall be sent to the participants within two or three days from the submission date of abstracts.
- NOTE: You may present your paper via a PowerPoint Presentation or with the rough draft of your paper.
- AGISS Research Institute shall select remarkable papers presented during the Conference after the successful conclusion of the review process.
- The rest of the articles shall be published in the articles section of the website of our Think Tank
- Certainty of publication of all papers received either in a book or in the article section of Think Tank.
- Certificate of Presentation to all the Presenters.
- Certificate of Participation to all the Attendees
- Certificate of Appreciation will be awarded to the Best Presentation.
- Last date for Abstract Submission & Registration: May 5, 2024 (till 11:59 PM IST)
- Final notification of selected abstracts: within 48 hours of abstract submission
- Last date of Registration as an attendee/participant: May 05, 2024 (till 11:59 PM IST)
- Last date for Submission of the Full paper: May 30, 2024 (till 11:59 PM IST)
- Conference date: May 12, 2024
- Paper presentation/ Submission/ Registration fees for Students/ Researchers:
- Single Author: Rs. 1000/- INR
- Co-Author): Rs. 1200/- INR
- Co-Author (more than 2): Rs. 1500/- INR
- Paper presentation/ Submission/ Registration fees for Professionals /Academicians:
- Single Author: Rs. 1500/- INR
- Co-Author: Rs. 2000 /- INR
- Co-Author (more than 2): Rs. 2500/- INR
- Foreign Nationals:
- Single Author: $ 30/- (30 US Dollars)
- Co-Author: $ 50/- (50 US Dollars)
- Co-Author (more than 2): $ 100/- (100 US Dollars)
- Participation/ attending the Panel discussions for Students/ professionals: Rs. 600/- INR (and for Foreign Nationals US $ 20/-) per candidate, where the attendees will be a part of the discussion and be able to ask their questions to the panel.
- Please Note that if the co-authorship is a combination of a national student/professional and a foreign student/professional, then the registration fees to be paid will be the Co-authorship of professionals.
- A/C Holder: AGISS Research Institute
- A/C No. Current A/C No. 326621010000045
- Bank Name: Union Bank of India
- Branch Name: Faridabad, Green Field Branch
- IFSC: UBIN0932663
- For Abstract submission/to register as a presenter for presentation: CLICK HERE
- To register as an attendee/participant: CLICK HERE
- Hope you will publish & promote it and share the link as soon as possible.
For More Information:
- Ms. Surbhi Khurana: +91 9911633779
- Prof. (Dr.) Annu Bahl Mehra: +91 9210303690
- Dr. Suvesh Kumar: +91 8587012770
- Or E-mail with the subject
- “Query for International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Law – Challenges and Solutions” at agissconference2023@gmail.com