What Is AGISS?
AGISS Research Institute is an Independent, non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization. Our aim is to conduct high-quality research so that the Governing bodies can make better decisions and to work in conjunction with other Organizations for other important issues pertaining to society.
What Are The Details Of The Information?
- Theme: Business & Economy: Challenges & Opportunities
- Date of the event:7th May 2023
- Mode: Hybrid Mode
- Registration form: CLICK HERE to fill the registration form
- Registration fee: Single Author: Rs 1,200/- INR & for Co-Author (2 or more): Rs. 2,000/- INR
- Last date of registration: 30th April 2023
- Eligibility: students/researchers/Professionals/Academicians
- Perks: Best Presentation (Indian national): Certificate of Merit + Perks, Best Presentation (Foreign national): Certificate of Merit + Perks & Certificate of Participation to all
What Are The Submission Guidelines?
- The submission must be the original work of the authors i.e., shouldn’t be plagiarized and also should be free from grammatical, spelling, and other errors. It must also not contain any defamatory words.
- Kindly do not submit the same paper and abstract to any other journal/book/website etc.
- The author is required to include the declaration form stating that his work is original and hasn’t been published anywhere.
- Submission must be accompanied by an abstract of 300-500 words and author(s) affiliation with a minimum of 5 keywords. No Paper will be accepted without an abstract.
- Author’s Info to be attached: Name of the Author(s), Qualification, Name of the Institution/Organization,, Email Id & Phone Number
- The submission should be made in .doc/.docx/ format only.
- Co-authorship is allowed for up to a maximum of three (3) persons.
- Indian Law Institutes (ILI) rule of footnoting and citation style should strictly be followed in the submissions, non-compliance to this will lead to it being summarily rejected.
- The word limit for research papers is 3000 – 6000 words (maximum, excluding footnotes)
- The body of the paper should be in Times New Roman, with font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing.
- Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 1.0 with single-line spacing.
- Page borders should not be used.
- The email should entail the following: Abstract (without the author’s details).Cover Letter [with the name(s), institutional affiliation(s), and contact details of the author(s)]
- Abstracts & research papers should strictly be submitted at Google Form Link only. Notification of the selection of abstracts shall be sent to the participants within two or three days from the date of submission of abstracts.
For More Information:
CLICK HERE For The Brochure
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