Call for Paper:
Indian Law Review (ILR), a Peer Reviewed Journal of the National Law Institute University Bhopal.
Deadline:30th, Sept. 2019
Indian Law Review
“Peer Reviewed Journal”
ISSN 2229-7960
Call for Papers
The Indian Law Review (ILR), a Peer Reviewed Journal of the National Law Institute University Bhopal, is published and printed annually by the University.
The Indian Law Review invites academic contributions for publications. Such contributions should be sent in soft copy in MS Word (Times New Roman, Font Size ‘12’) format.
The contribution should be addressed to the Editor, Indian Law Review, National Law Institute University, Kerwa Dam Road, Bhopal – 462 044 (India) with an undertaking that the Article, Book Review etc. was not sent to any other journal for publication and it was original written by the Author(s).
The soft copy should be sent to e-mail:
All writings should conform to ‘The Bluebook: A Uniform system of citations’.
The deadline for submission of soft copy is 30th , September 2019.
The submissions received after the due date may be considered for the next issue.
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