IIT Bombay Inter Varsity Debate Tournament 2017 (22nd-24th September 2017): Registration Opens 15th May 2017

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IIT Bombay Inter Varsity Debate Tournament 2017 (22nd-24th September 2017): Registration Opens 15th May 2017

The 9th edition of IIT Bombay Inter Varsity Debate Tournament will be held at the Powai campus from 22nd September to 24th September, 2017.

iit bombay debate 2017

This tournament is based on the British Parliamentary Debate format which has two speakers in each team with four teams in each round competing against each other.

To learn more about this format of Parliamentary debating you can go here

The tournament is open to cross teams with no bar on the stream of education as well as international colleges for participation.

Debate and adjudication workshops will be taken by internationally renowned debaters during the tournament for teaching advanced skills in debating and adjudication to all participants.

Like previous editions you can be sure of a stellar line up of chief adjudicators and a substantial adjudication subsidy budget to ensure that there are good judges in every room.

Registration fee:

Rs.1500 per person without accommodation and Rs. 2500 per person with accommodation.

First Round of registrations begin on 15th May and end on 15th June.

Subsidized Adjudicators are also invited, with the subsidy covering registration fee, accommodation and travel.

To apply for the same, please e-mail your debate credentials to wespeakiitbombay@gmail.com

For any further queries, contact:
+91 88282 91001 (Aditya Pandey | Secretary)
+91 99302 35390


To receive updates about the IIT Bombay Debate 2017, follow the Facebook group here.


LawOF does not claim any responsibility for the above mentioned Event/Program. We thus request you to verify its credentials on your sole responsibility, before applying for it.

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