HRDI VIIth International Conference on 14-15 Jan., 2017 @ Indian Law Institute (ILI), New Delhi.

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Human Rights Defense International (HRDI) organizing VIIth International Conference

on 14-15 Jan., 2017


Indian Law Institute (ILI), New Delhi.


The Human Rights Defense International (HRDI) is organizing its VIIth International Conference on the 14-15 January, 2017 (Saturday and Sunday) at the Indian Law Institute, New Delhi.


Human Rights Defense International is an organization committed to the Human Rights concerns of Indian Diaspora. Since its inception HRDI worked to educate and raise awareness on issues of violations of Human Rights.In the past, we have specifically focused on violations of Human Rights of religious minorities in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Bhutan and South Africa. HRDI also took up the issue of Indian Workers in Gulf and War Crimes committed by the Government of Sri Lanka. It has also focused on the issues of Freedom of Speech and Expression, Right of Dalits to Enter Temples, Senior Citizens’ Rights and the Issue of Surrogacy.

Our sessions will discuss the issues of Human Rights concerns of the Indian Diaspora. We will have the following sessions.

1.      Laboring in Vain: Indian Workers in Gulf- Children of Lesser God
2.      Sri Lanka’s War Widows: The Pathetic plight of Sri Lanka’s 90,000 invisible War Widows and their struggle to survive
3.      Understanding the Tragedy of Tibet
4.      Slavery in the Land of the Pure: The tragic story of Pakistan’s two million Dalits
5.      Linguistic Concerns of Indian Diaspora
The conference would be addressed and attended by distinguished panelists, guests from the Indian diaspora, the officers of the legal fraternity and concerned Ministries, human/women rights activists/ organisations, students, professors and journalists. We are also anticipating participation from different universities and NGOs concerned with the issue.

This conference would be the voice of over 20 countries seeking protection for the rights of the people of Indian origin living abroad. Given your expertise and insight on these issues, we solicit your presence, support and patronage and would feel extremely honoured to have you with us as our distinguished guest for this event of immense importance.

Registration Fee:

To participate in the 2-day International Conference, you have to register yourself. The Registration fee for students is Rs. 500 and for others, it is Rs. 1000. You are requested submit the registration fees before 10.30 a.m. on 14th January, 2017 at Indian Law Institute. You may contact us at for any queries.


Rajesh Gogna

Secretary General,

Human Rights Defense International (HRDI)
8, Todermal Lane, Bengali Market, New Delhi- 110001
T- 011- 41521143, M- 9911222251, E-


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