Who Is The Organiser?
Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), located in Gandhinagar, India, was established by the Government of Gujarat under the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003 and is recognized by the Bar Council of India (BCI) and University Grants Commission (UGC). GNLU is a student-centric, multidisciplinary and research-focused University, dedicated to building an environment enabling critical thinking on fundamental legal issues.
GNLU has a full-fledged Research and Development Cell consisting of Head, Research Council, Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Teaching & Research Associates, Research Associates, and administrative staff striving to achieve the universities’ goal to excel as a research-based teaching University. Keeping the vision of the University in mind, the Research and Development Cell has established 21 Centers of Excellence.
What Are The Details Of The Opportunity?
- Theme: BUILDING SUSTAINABLE FUTURE | Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Successes, Challenges, And The Way Forward
- Commencement of Colloquium: It will commence in the month of July and will end in the month of June of the succeeding year. It will be conducted in three phases; each phase will be called a workshop (8 sessions in each workshop will be conducted by national and international experts on various dimensions of research methodology, publication, and the theme(s) of the Colloquium)
- Eligibility: Researchers and Scholars registered for M.Phil. /Ph.D./PDF in Law or Social Sciences are eligible for participation in the Colloquium
- Registration fees: For Indian Participants: ₹10,000/- & For Foreign Participants: 130 USD (This fee is exclusive of boarding and lodging for the workshops. The accommodation on GNLU Campus may be made available based on availability).
- Total Intake: Sixty (60)
- Last date of submission: 30th April 2023 (11:59 PM)
- Submission procedure: CLICK HERE to submit the proposal
- Selection of proposal: The participants shall be expected to develop a research article on the theme(s) of their choice during the one-year time period and the same shall be presented before the expert panel. Based on the review, selected papers shall be published in the form of a book or in a national/ international journal of repute.
- Selection process: The Colloquium invites a proposal of 500-1000 words from the applicants along with the duly filled application form. The selection shall be based completely on the basis of the proposal. The proposal should be a detailed summary of the work that states the problem, the objectives, and the methodology to be used. It should be single-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. Co-authorship is not allowed.
- Publication Opportunity: Selected manuscripts of the participants shall be published as a book by a reputed publisher with ISBN or a special issue of an indexed journal.
- Important dates:
- Intimation About Proposal Selection: 15th May 2023
- Workshop I (Two Days, Eight Sessions): July 2023
- Workshop II (Two Days, Eight Sessions): December 2023
- Workshop III & Annual Research Meet (Three Days): June 2024
- Note: For international participants, the Colloquium may be in hybrid mode.
For More Information?
CLICK HERE For The Notification
CLICK HERE For The Brochure