GNLU + Univ of Melbourne’s Sports Law Academy On Corruption in International Sports [Jan 13-17]: Register by Jan 5
It gives us immense pleasure in informing you that Gujarat National Law University through its Centre for Sports and Entertainment Law (GCSEL), in collaboration with The University of Melbourne and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France is organising India’s first Sports Law Academy on Corruption in International Sports from 13 to 17 January, 2017 at Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Spread over five days of intensive discussions, lectures and workshops, the Academy will be conducted by Mr. Hayden Opie, Senior fellow, Melbourne Law Masters and Member, Court of Arbitration for Sports and Dr. Laurent Vidal, Professor, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.
Themes for Sessions:
- Sports and Crimes
- The Award of Sports Event Hosting Rights
- Commercial Transactions
- Governance
- Bribery
- Sports Competition
- Regulatory Framework of Sports Bodies
Payment Link:
Last Date for Registration: 5th January, 2018