Sports Law Academy
Corruption in
International Sports
9th-13th July 2018
The Gujarat National Law University Centre for Sports and Entertainment Law (GCSEL), is one of the first centre in India that is working in the area of Research and Development of Sports and Entertainment Law. The centre has been expanding and developing ever since its inception in the year 2010, by working and getting associated with renowned and well known personalities of the field and has been working with dedication towards development and generating awareness of these still born fields of law in India. The centre is presently working under 2 separate wings, one dealing with the Sports law, while the other with the Entertainment laws.
About the Academy
Corruption in sport is not a new phenomenon. In 388 BC, the earliest case of corruption at Olympic Games was recorded where Eupolos of Thessalia bribed three of his competitors in a fighting tournament allowing him to win a gold medal Over a period of time, cases of corrupt behaviour in sport have become more widespread reaching every part of the world and across every sport. In modern times, a number of notable cases, which were highlighted, includes the 1919 Chicago White Sox who took bribes from gamblers in the World Series, the East German doping scandal in the 1970s, where hundreds of athletes and swimmers were given ledge and a number of spot-fixing cases in performance enhancing substances without their knowledge, and a number of spot-fixing cases in Cricket since the infamous Hansie Cronje case. As sports has become more popular with a truly global audience in recent years, it often appears to become more of a target for individuals and groups of people wanting to take advantage of the lucrative nature of the industry.
The legal framework to tackle and control corruption at domestic and International level are in place but academically less deliberated. While the focus of the Academy is to explore Corruption in International Sports, it will also explore other pathologies that effect International Sports i.e. Doping, Spot-fixing and issues related to Governance. For the first time the subject on corruption in international sports is being academically offered in India. The need for such Academy has become increasingly important in recent years and Corruption in International Sport is intended to provide a detailed education in the legal aspects of this topic for lawyers, sports administrators and integrity officials, law enforcement officers, policy makers and other interested people.
Our Resource Persons
- Mr. Hayden Opie, Senior Fellow, Melbourne Law Masters
- Dr. Laurent Vidal, Professor, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Themes for Sessions
- Sports and Crimes
- The Award of Sports Event Hosting Rights
- Commercial Transactions
- Governance
- Bribery
- Sports Competition
- Regulatory Framework of Sports Bodies
Who Should Attend?
- Students
- Academicians
- Lawyers
- Government officials from federations and sports bodies
- Coaches
- Players
- Sports Management Experts
Registration Fee
- Students (GNLU and Non-GNLU)- Rs. 7,500*
- Others (GNLU and Non-GNLU)- Rs. 10,000*
*The fee is exclusive of accommodation and food. Accommodation will be provided on payment/request basis. For further details contact Course Coordinator
Course Registration
- Registration will close on 6th July, 2018
- Number of seats: 50 (First come basis)
For any queries kindly send us an email at or call Mr. Tarun at 8128650863.
Important Links

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