Global Energy Parliament 2017 on Science for Happiness and Freedom [Nov 6-7, Thiruvananthapuram]: Register by Oct 15

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Global Energy Parliament 2017 on Science for Happiness and Freedom [Nov 6-7, Thiruvananthapuram]:

Register by Oct 15


The Global Energy Parliament welcomes students, faculty, distinguished scientists, professionals, activists, writers, and academics from around the globe to its 8th Annual International Session in Thiruvananthapuram on November 6th and 7th, 2017. GEP+ 2017 includes a Students’ Parliament.

The spirit of this parliament lies in collaborative discussion and formulation of Resolutions on the goals of science for human welfare. GEP Resolutions will be submitted to all Governments and international organizations like the United Nations.


Participants of GEP 2017 will receive training in parliamentary procedures and GEP’s unique concept of energy based on the “I Theory”.

Membership in the Parliament is a great opportunity for international networking, influencing policy, improving your speaking and writing skills, and finding collaborative solutions across all sectors of society.

Students have the opportunity to be a GEP Campus Ambassador. Selected Members also get a chance to represent GEP at different forums like the UN.


We maintain a participant limit of 200 and registration is on the basis of first come, first served.


Members of Parliament are given an opportunity to present their submissions orally during the parliamentary sessions.

All interested candidates must send a video submission of no more than 2 minutes speaking about your proposal on “Science for Happiness and Freedom.”

Students and faculty from universities should speak about the topic in relation to your own field of work. The video should be no more than 2 minutes long and convey your complete idea.

The video link (not as attachment) must be sent via e-mail to on or before 15th October 2017 for initial screening.


Last date to register yourself is 15th October 2017

Participants must enroll individually and not in teams/groups.

An information pack on the Students Energy Parliament and a guide on writing submissions would be e-mailed to the registrants as part of the event docket.


All participants would be required to pay a registration contribution of INR 1000/– at the time of registration.

The registration contribution is inclusive of Annual Membership in the Global Energy Parliament, Registration Kit, Certificate and Lunches. The detailed participant docket with all event material will be mailed to candidates after registration.


Participants requiring accommodations will be assisted by our team, based on your requirements. Several options are near to the venue. Please contact our Accommodations Manager for further information.


The Global Energy Parliament is a unique venture for humanity to create a more sustainable, peaceful and happy future – all based on the science of energy.

GEP is an international body which aims to ensure a self-sustaining, peaceful existence for human beings and the universe, by providing recommendations and strategies, backed by scientific research.

The GEP is an international platform of the Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust, a registered charitable organization with Consultative Status to the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

GEP has held 7 sessions of international parliaments thus far in India, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Switzerland, and Sri Lanka. Members of Parliament are citizens from all over the world.


Registration by 15th October 2017

Video Submission by 15th October 2017

Training in Parliamentary Procedures: 5th November, 2017

Event: 6th & 7th November, 2017


One may also drop a mail at

Mira Purn – Coordinator, Global Energy Parliament +91 9497859337

Krishna Kumar R. – Manager, Travel & Accommodations +91 9620053425

For further details, click HERE.
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