GGSIPU, National Conference for law students on Roadmap of law in New India’s development: Submit by 15 November,2021

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National Conference (Online) on Roadmap of law in New India’s Development by University School of Law and Legal Studies, GGSIPU.

University School of Law and Legal Studies, GGSIPU is organizing a National Conference (online) on Roadmap of Law in New India’s Development, on (date), 2021.

Note:- The Date of the event shall be determined by the number of Papers Submitted.

About the University

The University School of Law & Legal Studies is one of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University’s constituent schools. The law school was established in 2001 and was the first state government law school in Delhi. The university intends to advance institutional expertise in legal research and education by enhancing academic and professional excellence, cultivating critical and relentless engagement with legal theory and practice, and integrating law, legal research, legal education, and action to further the quest for justice.

About the conference

To accommodate the economic aspirations, a country needs to have a proper set of laws and policies which can protect the economic system and provide appropriate mechanisms. The era hence demands efficient laws and their operation in the legal world. As a result, it is important to strike a balance between the economic endeavours and legal constraints. The objective of this conference is to provide a congenial forum for academicians, researchers, law students, and legal practitioners to engage in discussions and deliberations around developments in economics and law and how it can lead to the formation of a new India.

Eligibility Criteria

The seminar is multidisciplinary in nature.

The academicians, Researchers, law students, legal practitioners, or any other professionals who have a keen interest in the field of economics and law can participate in the conference.

Call for Papers

University School of Law and Legal Studies is pleased to invite scholastic submissions which aims to promote research work in economics and law and other related disciplines.

The papers shall be based on the theme of the conference that is ‘Roadmap of law in New India’s Development’.

All the interested students and professionals are invited to submit their papers on any of the following sub-themes on or before 15th November 2021.

The broad sub-themes are:

  1. Crypto-currency

  2. Reforms in Banking sector

  3. Digital economy in the post-pandemic era

  4. Cross jurisdictional analysis of economic legislation

  5. Capital markets in Indian economy

  6. Analyzing economic development of legal institutions (SEBI, CCI, RBI, etc.)

  7. Digital Economy: A way towards flexibility or away from flexibility)

The author(s) will also be given an opportunity to present their submissions, which will be reviewed by the reviewing committee.

Submission Guidelines

All submissions pertaining to the theme are subject to the following guidelines are welcome:

  1. All submissions must be made to:

  2. Co-authorship up to two authors is allowed.

  3. Submissions should be original and unpublished work of the author(s) offering new insights, a new approach, or new knowledge to the theme.

  4. Submissions can be in the form of below mentioned categories:

  • Research Papers: The research papers must perform a thorough examination of the legal topic that the author wishes to emphasise on. It must include a detailed review of the current legislation, highlighting significant loopholes, as well as an attempt to recommend alternative amendments to resolve them. The length of the short papers should be between 6000-12000 words.

  • Short Papers: Short papers should rigorously analyse the contemporary problem(s) and idea(s) of the topic selected. They are highly advised to be significantly succinct than Research Papers. The word limit for the same is 3000-6000 words.

  • Articles: The emphasis of the articles should be on a recent discussion or issue over the interpretation or application of the law. They should primarily identify current concerns that need to be solved. An article is thus advised to be between 2000-2500 words.

General Formatting Guidelines

  • The manuscript should follow the format:

    • Approximately (limit) words of abstract followed by a minimum of 5 keywords along with the final paper are encouraged.

    • The paper should follow the font Times New Roman, size 12 (justified alignment) in MS-Word format.

    • All citations should follow either the Bluebook or ili style. The references should be mentioned in the form of footnotes. Font type and size for the same should be Times New Roman and 10.


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Contact Information

For further queries, contact the student coordinators:

Teesha: 9990218957

Vani Garg: 8826629357

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