Faculty Positions @ Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur. Deadline:Oct. 17, 2016

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Faculty Positions @ Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur. Deadline:Oct. 17, 2016

For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:

MAHARASHTRA NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR JOTI, Civil Lines, C. P. Club Road, Nagpur – 440001, [Maharashtra]

Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur invites applications for the following Temporary/ On-lien Positions:


Professor of Law (On-lien/ Temporary),  Number of Post: 02, Category: 01(SC) 01(UR)

Associate Professor of Law (On-lien/ Temporary), Number of Post: 03, Category: 03 (UR)

Assistant Professor of Law (Temporary), Number of Post: 01,  Category: 01(UR)

Assistant Professor of Political Science(Temporary), Number of Post: 01, Category: 01(UR)

Assistant Professor of History(Temporary), Number of Post: 01, Category: 01(UR)

Assistant Professor of English(Temporary), Number of Post: 01, Category: 01(UR)

Assistant Professor of Sociology(Temporary), Number of Post: 01, Category: 01(UR)


OCTOBER 17, 2016

Note: Those Candidates, who have already applied against University advertisement dated July 20, 2016 need not apply afresh.


For Full Notification, CLICK HERE

For Further details & Educational Quilification, and Application Form, CLICK HERE




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