The School of Law, GD Goenka University Gurugram is organising a two week online Faculty Development Workshop on Innovative Methods in Legal Research and Teaching from 5th to 16th July 2021.
Conceptual Context of the FDW:
The conventional teaching methods in law deal with the exposition of theories, principles and their application. However, the conventional teaching methods are often criticized as being teacher-centric, while ignoring the student-centric aspects of teaching and learning. For effective teaching-learning process in law, it is essential to incorporate contemporary teaching techniques tailored to the need of each subject. The task of a law teacher is to adopt the most effective and efficient teaching methods to achieve the desired educational objectives of each subject. With this back ground, this FDW aims to acquaint the participants with the innovative and contemporary methods in Legal Teaching. In addition to exposing the participants with contemporary teaching pedagogies, the FDW also aims to acquaint them with scientific methods of inquiry into law to enhance their legal research skills.
This FDW will provide an opportunity to the participants to engage with the leading scholars and academicians in the field of law, including Professors and Professionals who will train them to enhance their research and teaching skills and also provide them with the exposure to innovative and contemporary legal research methods and teaching pedagogies.
Eligibility to Attend:
Research Scholars, Academicians and Professionals from any field can attend.
The FDW shall be conducted ONLINE from 4 P.M. TO 6 P.M. (on all week days except Sunday from 5th July to 16th July) with half an hour interactive session at the end of the Session.
Registration Procedure:
The Participants can register for the FDW by filling the Google Form
The Registration fees shall be Rs. 1000/- per participant and all participants shall be issued a participation certificate upon the successful completion of the FDW.
The detailed FDW Schedule and account details for the payment of Registration Fees are mentioned in the enclosed FDW Brochure.
In case of any query, please contact Dr. Taniya Malik, Assistant Professor (Law) & Co-Convener of FDW at +91-9891283564;

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