Faculty Development Program On “Higher Education: A Paradigm Shift In Teaching & Learning” By IILM Law School, Gurugram [24th-29th July 2023, On Online Mode]: Register By 20th July 2023

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Who Is The Organiser?

IILM has a legacy of excellence in responsible management education since 1993. It has entered the domain of law with five year undergraduate courses of BBA LLB (Hons) and BA LLB (Hons.) as well as a one year postgraduate LLM program at IILM University, Gurugram. IILM Law provides one of the best set of courses both at graduate and undergraduate level. Located at the heart of Gurugram, in close proximity to corporate houses, renowned law firms and the Courts, IILM Law prepares students for their career as a successful lawyer, judge or legal professional. Equipped with the latest technology, campus Wi-Fi, state-of-the-art library, access to online resources like LexisNexis, modern classrooms and a permanent Moot Court facility, the building serves as a vibrant academic hub.

IILM Law is rated as one of the top law colleges in India and consistently ranked among the top 10 law colleges in terms of industry connect and academic activities. IILM Law focuses on enabling each student to independently analyze, research, synthesize and communicate legal issues. The Campus makes for an exciting and productive community of teachers and students to study, to teach, to write, to debate, to question, to innovate and prepares the students to litigate, to advocate and to pursue the highest ideals of law and justice.

In today’s rapidly evolving higher education landscape, it is crucial for faculty members to stay abreast of the paradigm shifts occurring in teaching and learning methodologies. IILM Law School is glad to conduct a Faculty Development Program from 24 – 29 July 2023, on the theme of “Higher Education: A Paradigm Shift in Teaching & Learning”, in ONLINE mode. 

What Are The Details Of The Event?

  • Theme: Higher Education: A Paradigm Shift in Teaching & Learning
  • Objective: The FDP aims to provide educators with the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to navigate and thrive in this changing educational environment. The program will focus on exploring innovative approaches, technology integration, learner-centered strategies and emerging trends that are shaping higher education. Designed for faculty members, educators and teaching professionals working in higher education institutions. It is suitable for both experienced instructors seeking to update their teaching practices and early-career academics aiming to develop a solid foundation in contemporary teaching methodologies.
  • Date of the event: 24th-29th July 2023
  • Mode: Online mode
  • Eligibility: Faculty members, educators, and teaching professionals working in higher education institutions.
  • Last date to Register: 20th July 2023
  • Registration Process:
    • Particpants will have to fill out the google form given below with all the required details.
    • After the successful registration, the participants will receive the final mail of confirmation and an invitaion letter.
    • The official group will be made for the communication with the participants on ‘WhtasApp’. The link to join the group will be provided to the participants in the final confirmation mail.
  • Registration form: CLICK HERE to fill out the registration form
  • Registration fee: NIL
  • Certificate of Participation: E- certificates shall be mailed to all the participants. A minimum of 90% attendance has to be observed to become eligibile for the certificate.
  • Sub Themes:
    • Blended and experiential learning
    • Collaboration of teaching and technology
    • Upgrading teaching pedagogy in the line with New Education Policy, 2020
    • Impact and implimentation of New Education Policy, 2020
    • Encouraging faculty skill enhancement
    • Outcome-based learning, research and education
    • Understanding of Quality Assurance (QA) and accreditation and grading process
    • Role of higher legal education and research in shaping the ideas of society
    • Learning with purpose
    • Open education, resources, and digital learning platform

For More Information:

CLICK HERE For The Brochure

CLICK HERE To Visit The IILM Law School Gurugram Website

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