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5TH SEMESTER- 3RD YEAR (Online Intern @LAwOF)


Life is like a roller coaster; full of twists and turns, ups and downs, and full of surprises. But when life’s journey is smooth, life is beautiful. Our college life is just as exciting, where we experience ups and downs like being on a roller coaster ride. There were exciting moments along with stressful, anxious, nervous, frightening, and victorious moments. The college years are genuinely point in life where we take mature steps towards our future, meeting many friends, choosing our majors, finalising our careers, and preparing for the challenges of the real world.  Studying law can be overwhelming times, but changing your attitude can make things a whole lot easier. Journey through a law school is quite a tedious perambulation but a pragmatic one. It’s like a colloquial shuggy boat ride that we see in amusement parks. When it is on its peak you feel like screaming hard and when it’s low you loosen yourself and settle back. I think every law student can relate to this feeling.

In these two and a half years of my college life, I have come across lots of struggles; be they my grades, or adjusting with the environment and new friends. There were times when i had faced problems such as learning to submit assignments online, making powerpoints presentations and being stressed for semester exams.

The first year of law school gives an opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of juveniles behind bars. From my first year I have been contributing in my college for various research and paper presentation activities. I have coordinated with faculty in organizing academic activities like guest lectures, seminars, presentations and moot court competitions. I have participated in Prof. N.R. Madhva Menon SAARC Mooting Competition, 2015-17. And I have been appointed as a Co-odinator of Judges Escorts in 2015 for both national as well as International Saarc Mooting competition. And in 2016 I was a volunteer for the mooting competition. In the third Prof. N.R. Madhav Menon SAARC Mooting Competition I was the Head of the Organizing Committee. Hopping on internships I have done total four ( Non – Governmental Organization, Tees Hazari Court, Allahabad District Court, Allahabad High Court Judicature)I am an active member of  INDIAN NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION.

Moving further, I have been an academic person but at the same time I understand the pain of those arduous and burdensome law books. Prima facie I feel like reading the whole interesting legal book written by some brilliant legend but after sometime it’s like why am I reading this whole bunch of baloney, yet I had to push myself bit by bit to understand the legal condundrums. Believe me law schools build up a positive attitude among us all to accomplish every legal aspect by applying a bit of logic and legal comprehensions.

Law is a fantastic, challenging and respected degree. If you have genuinely have an interest in law the ambition to achieve, you’ll make it through to the end.

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