Diploma in “European, International and Comparative Law” jointly organized by the ISIL New Delhi and Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon on 5th-30th June 2017.
For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:
II Post-Graduate Course
Diploma in European, International and Comparative Law
between the Indian Society of International Law, New Dehli
and the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon
The European Rights under an historical perspective
Prof. Dr. Sílvia Alves
5 to 9 June
Economic International Law in a World in Mutation
Prof. Dr. Nuno Cunha Rodrigues
12 to 16 June
European integration, globalization and fundamental rights Professor
Dr. Fausto de Quadros
19 to 23 June
The Contract in the legal Roman-Germanic and common law systems: a comparative Law perspective
Prof. Dr. Dário Moura Vicente
26 to 30 June
For Full Information, CLICK HERE
For Program, CLICK HERE
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