Call for Papers: Delhi Law Review
@ Faculty of Law, University of Delhi [Volume 7]:
Submit by March 15
About the Organisation
Faculty of Law, University of Delhi is the time tested legal institution of par excellence. It is the national hub of legal studies.
About the Journal
The Delhi Law Review (DLR) is the flagship journal of the Faculty of Law and is one of the oldest journals in the country, having been published since 1978.
The Student Edition of the DLR (SDLR) is an annual, double-blind, student-reviewed and edited journal which was introduced with the objective of involving students in promoting academic research and facilitating debate on contemporary legal issues in India. The SDLR assumes an inter-disciplinary orientation and is wide enough to include national and international legal and policy-based issues within its sweep.
The Student Edition of the Delhi Law Review is now accepting submissions for its upcoming issue: Vol. VII of 2020. The SDLR invites original, unpublished manuscripts from all academicians, authors, legal professionals and students from India and abroad. Authors can submit manuscripts on any topic of their choice.
Types of Submissions
Long Articles (6500-8500 words, including footnotes)
Submissions in this category are expected to engage with the theme and literature of a particular topic comprehensively. The article must survey current practice in the field, identify any lacunae and offer innovative reassessment along with constructive suggestions. Theoretical pieces are also welcome in this category.
Essays/Short Articles (3500-6000 words, including footnotes)
Essays/short articles are more concise in scope and are focused on a particular issue and offer new perspectives and critical insights on the selected topic. They offer clearly identifiable arguments and may provide different ways of conceptualizing the selected issue.
Case Notes and Legislative Comments (1500-2500 words)
This category is meant for the analysis of any contemporary judicial pronouncement, legislative action, or policy proposal. Notes and Comments must trace the line of cases in which the decision appears and comment on its implications on the evolution of that branch of law. Similarly, a legislative comment or policy proposal must identify the object and expected impact of the legislative action/policy proposal in question.
How to Submit
The SDLR will only accept electronic submissions. These may be emailed to under the subject heading “SDLR Vol VII Submission.”
All submissions must contain the following:
The manuscript in Word format (.doc or .docx) as a mail attachment. PDF/other formats/hard copy submissions will not be accepted.
The body of the email must mention:
- Name of the author(s)
- Contact number
- Academic year of the course pursued (if applicable)
- Qualifications (if applicable)
- Institutional affiliation
- Title of the paper
- The type of submission (Long Article, Essay/Short Article, Case note & Legislative Comment)
A declaration to the following effect:
“I/we declare that the manuscript is an original and previously unpublished work written by me/us. I/we agree to tackle any dispute relating to my/our manuscript including copyright, defamation or contempt and agree to suffer the loss, if any, caused by violating copyright or any other rights.”
Deadline for submission is 15th March 2020, 11:59 p.m. IST.
Contact Info
All correspondence and queries may be addressed to
For full details, click here.

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