By the time high school is over, you are expected to metamorphosize into young adults and determine the necessary “course of action” as far as your career prospects are concerned. This, when in fact, whether you will leap ahead or lag behind depends largely on your ability to cope with the immense amount of pressure from various quarters. The immediate family always has a “plan” to impose upon you and your friends are as clueless as you! Amidst all the commotion, if you take up a stream that you believe will leverage your ambitions and aid your prospects in the field of law and public policy, you may often feel at sea, as you don’t know where and when to start and how to furnish a well thought out plan of action that will lead you in the right direction.
At LexQuest, we have had our share of such experiences and being a Law and Public Policy Think Tank, we often come across students, who despite having a formal degree in the relevant discipline, don’t know how to design a career in the policy space. As myriad opportunities await, for you to explore as well as create for yourselves, we intend to enable you to reach out to the right people and direct you to take the right decisions that can help you chart out a promising career in the arena of law and public policy.
Therefore, keeping in line with LexQuest’s primary aim: to bridge the knowledge gap, we bring to you our latest initiative, The Conversation Junction, aimed at interactions centred around your professional goals.
If you seek clarity and want to understand what’s keeping you from making the most efficient and effective decisions thus far, we urge you to meet us at The Conversation Junction!
In a course of 90 minutes, at The Conversation Junction, we will take a closer look at your aspirations, ideas and perspectives so that you are able to determine the most suitable course of action for yourself. These one on one sessions will include but will not be limited to the following:
- Understanding your life as a student to recognise your goals as a professional.
- Discussing the relevance and nature of suitable internships for you.
- Determining the role and aim of the CV.
- Directing the necessary course of action for growth.
- Discussing problem areas and how to cope with them.
- Recognising strengths and analysing their value.
- Initiation into the art of self growth.
At the outset, we assert that The Conversation Junction is in no way a “career coaching” initiative, as LexQuest swears by the wonders of self discovery and introspection as far as a person’s potential is concerned. We therefore, do not intend to make decisions for you. However, as we believe that good conversations expand our horizons and enable the necessary flow of thoughts, at The Conversation Junction we promise you a fruitful affair (over a coffee if you will) of enriched ideas, concrete perspectives, regarding the path you choose to pave in order to make the most out of your aspirations.
Dates: 8th-9th June, 2018
Venue: Malviya Nagar, Delhi (Confirmed participants will be provided with proper location details).
Time: 9:00 A.M-7:00 P.M. (Each session will last for 1 Hour 30 Mins)
How to Apply?
Fees: Rs 1000 per participant (2 Sessions)
As we will be accepting applications on a first come first serve basis, the payment link will be sent to the candidates whose application gets shortlisted. In case you are unable to make it to this session, there will be subsequent sessions as well.
In case of any queries, feel free to reach out to us at:
Email ID:
Contact Numbers: 8448922751, 7042068202, 9929451140