Constitutional Law Society, National Law University Odisha Invites Submission Of Blogs: Submission On Rolling Basis

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Who Is The Organiser?

The Constitutional Law Society of National Law University Odisha (CLS-NLUO) was established in 2018 to provide a platform for discourse, deliberations and quality written content on the matter of public policy and Constitutional law. The Society aims to spark a larger interest of the legal fraternity towards the dynamism of Constitutional Law and Constitutionalism. One of the flagships and continuing legacies of CLS, this blog is relatively non-formal endeavour to bring forth critical Constitutional messages and discussions of the contemporary time for both a legal and a non-legal audience. To this aim, they welcome blogs from law students, legal practitioners, scholars, academicians and anyone interested in participating in the discourse on the emerging and highly engaging fields of constitutional law. The blogs are peer-reviewed, student-edited and open-access. CLS encourages a multi-disciplinary, critical and in-depth analysis of the Constitutional topics of India and beyond.

What Are The Details Of The Opportunity?

  • Eligibility: Any interested individual willing to engage in contemporary discourse pertaining to the Constitution.
  • Submission Categories:
    • Articles: Authors can submit articles on issues of contemporary constitutional relevance. The articles must aim to analyse the issue comprehensively. We encourage originality and a creative interpretation in the analysis of the issue.
    • Case Comments: Authors can choose to analyse a judgement/judgements of constitutional relevance aiming to understand the substance of the pleadings before the Courts and the impact of the Court’s verdict on the understanding and development of Constitutional Law.
    • Legislation Reviews: Authors can analyse the constitutionality of a legislation or various executive actions within India or their impact on established constitutional principles. Alternatively, authors can also choose to analyse legislations outside India which have a significant impact on the understanding of constitutional law within India.
  • Submission Guidelines:
    • The article should be an original work of the author and not under consideration for publication in any other journal or blog. Use of AI is strictly prohibited.
    • Co-authorship is allowed up to 2 authors.
    • The word limit for submissions is about 1500 words exclusive of endnotes (which maybe used when necessary). All documents/sources must be cited in the hyperlink format.
    • The content should be written in Times New Roman Font with a size of 12.
    • Line Spacing is to be maintained at 1.5. Text to be justified.
  • Submission Process: Interested authors are requested to send their submissions in .doc/.docx format to

For More Information:

CLICK HERE To Visit The CLS-NLUO  Website

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