Consilience Conference on Intermediary Liability and Content Regulation at NLSIU, Bengaluru [May 25]: Registrations Open

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Consilience Conference on Intermediary Liability and Content Regulation at NLSIU, Bengaluru [May 25]:

Registrations Open

About the conference

“Consilience” is an annual academic conference exploring the intersection of public policy and the latest technological trends around the world.

This year, themed on Intermediary Liability and Content Regulation, the conference will see participation from government officials, members of the tech industry, entrepreneurs, civil society and the academia, all in one room to answer the questions that are posed by the widespread growth of platforms and the unregulated content creation on the same.

Consilience is a unique opportunity for academicians, scholars, practitioners, and students to learn about the various facets of this debate particularly in light of significant emphasis on the same during the ongoing general elections. All participants will be awarded a certificate signifying participation at the event.


May 25, 2019- 09:30 am to 02:30 pm. Those attending the conference are required to report by 09:00 am.


 National Law School of India University, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore (Bengaluru), Karnataka, India

Registration procedure

For individual registration, click here.

fee details

There is a registration fee of Rs 150 for students and Rs 350 for professionals which includes lunch for all the participants. The fee does not, however, include accommodation

For payment details, click here.


  1. Foundational Principles of Regulation of Online Content and Platforms
  2. Online Content Regulation: State of Affairs in India
  3. Online Content Regulation: Global Perspectives and Solutions.


Yatharth Vardhan Singh: Convenor, Law and Technology Society

(+91- 9953478788)

Arshita Aggarwal: Joint Convenor, Law and Technology Society,

(+91- 9620874025)

Important links

for  facebook link click here.

for  speaker details click here

For full details, click here.


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