“Child Rights” BY Ekta Rao

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Child Rights BY Ekta Rao

Author: Ekta Rao, Jamnalal Bajaj School Of Legal Studies, Banasthali University, Rajasthan

In today’s generation children’s rights are human rights. Children must be treated with equality, respect, and dignity, not because they are “the future” or “the adults of tomorrow”, but they are human beings today. All humans are born inherent with fundamental freedoms and rights. All children must enjoy the same human rights as everybody else – from the right to freedom of expression to the right to privacy. This means all human rights laws apply equally to children and adults.

This means children have specific rights to help protect them from threats, exclusions, and discrimination they are vulnerable to. However, children are afforded a low status in most societies. For example, in almost every country children under the age of 18 are denied political power because they cannot vote, and most countries allow parents to hit their children even though they would be prosecuted for assault if they hit an adult.These rights are embodied in international law in the Convention on the Rights of the Children (CRC) and its optional protocols- one on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography; another on armed conflict. But many other provisions, in the convention, including the following, provide unique rights for children:

  • Right to protection from all forms of discrimination or punishment on the basis of status, activities, expressed opinions or belief of child’s parents, guardians or family member .(article 2)
  • Best interests of the child to be a primary consideration in all actions concerning children.

The UN committee on the Rights of the child recommends that all governments’ conducts child rights impact assessments of all policy and program decisions that could potentially affect children as part of their obligations under the UN convention on the rights of the child. At the same time, the EU guidelines for the promotion and protection of the Rights of the child support the mainstreaming of children’s rights in all EU policy and action. Child rights mainstreaming is a means to fulfill EC obligations under the CRC. It entails using the principles and standards of the CRC as reference point in order to assess the implications of all policies and programmes on the rights and interests of girl and boy children.

The Child Rights and Child Protection (CRCP) section is to provide a comprehensive base of knowledge regarding CRCP in India, regionally and internationally. The section is for students, scholars, field workers, CHILD LINE staff and partners, people generally interested in CRCP. This section also brings you an extensive library of downloadable files. The purpose of this section is to locate crucial information about CRCP in one space so as to make understanding and internalizing the concepts and commitments of this country and the world a simple process that is available to all.

All above information talks about the children’s right and even there is more rights present for child right.  The child labour is also band here in India, age is required for making children labour in industry (India). So, for caring the child free education was also provided to them.





This Article was prepared or accomplished by Ekta Rao in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the LawOF.in

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