CfP: Seminar on Legal Ethical and Contractual Issues in Sports @ NLSIU, Bengaluru [27-28 July]:
Submit by June 1
About the organisation
The National Law School of India University is an institution of legal education focusing on undergraduate and graduate legal and policy education in India.
The Centre for Environmental Education, Research and Advocacy (CEERA) of NLSIU was established in 1997 and is supported by the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF), Government of Karnataka, the Bar and the Bench in India and several Institutions and Universities abroad.
About the seminar
NLSIU along with CEERA is organising a two-day National Seminar on Legal Ethical and Contractual Issues in Sports on 27th and 29th July 2019.
Sports and Athletics encompass the favourite pass time of several millennial. Commercial Exploitation of this indulgence has paved the way to the creation of numerous sporting events or games, in the frame and form of Franchises, Endorsements, Public Appearances, including but not limited to Branding, Image-Building, etc.
This wide-spread, growth in Sporting Activities makes it’s regulation and governance imperative. The term Sports Law is a conundrum that which by virtue of itself, is a mere non-existential terminology, but which when looked in through the lens of various applicable laws, Civil, Criminal and Commercial, provides a paradigm shift.
- Lawyers, Academicians and Law Students
- Sports Persons & Industry Professionals, including Managers of Sporting Events
- Representatives from Sports Management Companies and other Institutions
- Representatives of Governing and Regulatory Bodies
Themes and sub-themes
Legal Ethical and Contractual Issues
The sub-themes are as follows:
- Contract Management by Sports Management companies.
- Branding and Image Rights of Sportspersons.
- Recent Trends in Insurance & Risk Management in Sporting Events.
- Broadcast Rights of Stakeholders of Sporting Events, including Sportspersons, Management Companies, Franchises.
- Law on Doping & Unethical Practices in Sports: A Comparative Analysis.
- “Arbitration and Courts”: The Third Umpire in Sports Dispute Resolution.
- Challenges to regulation of Private Professional Competition Events, Leagues.
- Endorsement Rights: Player v. Franchise/Club/League.
- Implication to Minors in Sports Contracts.
- Abuse of Dominance and Competition Issues in Sports.
- All Abstracts to be sent via e-mail to Mr Rohith Kamath at on or before July 1, 2019.
- The selected papers shall be compiled and published in the upcoming Online Legal Journal “Sports- Law & Justice” edited by CEERA, NLSIU.
NLSIU Campus, Nagarbhavi, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Registration Procedure and Fee Details
For Each Participant: INR 2,500/- [Non-Residential]
Registration fees may be paid by DD drawn in favour of National Law School of India University and sent along with the
Registration Form attached herewith or through NEFT transfer, as per the bank details are given below. Once the NEFT is done, the participant(s) must send the BANK TRANSACTION ID to
The fee covers the Registration, lunch, tea/coffee during the Breaks for the Two-Day Event. Participants will need to make their own arrangements for boarding/lodging.
Accommodation on campus is available, on first come first serve basis, and on a nominal charge, as per the University Rules.
The charges for the same, if availed are exclusive of the Registration Fees.
Towards booking accommodation, please write to Mr M. Gururaj on
- Abstract Submission: July 1, 2019
- Communication for Acceptance of Abstract: July 2, 2019
- Last Date for Registration: July 5, 2019
- Submission of Full-Length Papers: July 20, 2019
Contact info
Ms. Susheela Suresh, Secretary, CEERA, NLSIU
for brochure click here