International Environment Conference
Climate Change
NLU Assam
March 9-10, 2019
Concept Note
Climate Change is one such discourse, which has evolved massively in the last two decades. The entire timeline of UNFCCC is the proof of several key milestones in the evolution of global climate policy, which includes: Geneva Climate Change Conference, 1996, Kyoto Climate Conference 1997, Marrakesh Conference 2001, New Delhi Conference 2002, Nairobi Conference 2006, Bali Conference 2007, Poznan Conference 2008, Copenhagen Conference, 2009, Cancun Conference 2010, Durban Conference 2011, Doha Conference 2012, Warsaw Conference 2013, Lima Conference 2014, Paris Conference 2015. Climate Change conferences have grown quite exponentially in the last twenty years. These global meetings range from small sessions to large COPs (Conference of Parties decisions). Climate negotiation is one such unique forum, where not only individual states but also like-minded countries came together as a group. There have been representations from civil societies, industrial groups, farmers associations and even global news media. During COP 21, in 2015, governments agreed to mobilize stronger and ambitious climate action to attain the goals of the Paris Agreement. India and especially North East India, have witnessed several climate disasters in last one decade. The problems of floods, water shortage, depletion of natural resources, loss of natural biodiversity reserves, the rise in GHG emissions and temperature and many more.
We, in the field of academics and research, acknowledge and believe that there is a dire need to scale up global response to climate change. In order to do the same, commitments from all stakeholders and actors are necessary, including those propelled via Lima Paris Agenda.
The concept behind this international conference draws its inspiration from all the aforementioned conferences, where multilateral discussions on climate change matters took place.
Taking place on 9th and 10th March 2019 in National Law University and Judicial Academy Campus, Guwahati- Assam, this will be the first multidisciplinary international conference on multi-faceted aspects of Climate Change to showcase the multidimensional contours of Climate action across several disciplines of academic and research studies.
The two days in this riverine port city of North East India will witness a number of passionate participants and delegates meeting to table their findings and analysis on climate change. Scholars, academicians, students, policymakers across the world, from a range of streams and backgrounds will come together to mark the initiation of this international conference on climate change. Eminent speakers will deliver opening remarks during this conference and each session will aim to touch upon several issues and topics on climate change. This conference is open for all academic streams. The research papers and discussions of this conference will revolve around the focus areas of adaptation, resilience, mitigation, cooperative implementation, capacity building, climate technology, climate finance, climate education, local communities- indigenous peoples-gender perspective of climate, agriculture- natural resource management and climate, biodiversity, energy, land use-land use change
and forestry etc.
There is still a long way to go. This conference is one minor attempt to promote and propagate inter- generational and intra-generational equity through climate actions, towards the next level of ambitions for a greener tomorrow and better tomorrow.
Centre for Environmental Law, Advocacy and Research of National Law University and Judicial
Academy- Assam welcomes you all to join hands and make this conference, a grand success.
Thematic Area of The Conference
International Dimension
• Global Climate Change Negotiations: International Legal Framework [Journey from the UNFCCC to the Paris Agreement]
• Cardinal Elements of the Framework Convention on Climate Change [Mitigation, Adaptation, Land Use, Land Loss and Damage, Technology Transfer, REDD, Capacity Building, Climate Finance, Climate Justice, Climate Technology and the Gender Dimension]
• Impact of Climate Change on Natural Resource Management
• Socio-Economic Aspects of Climate Change
• Human Rights Dimension of Climate Change National Dimension
• National Legal Framework on Climate Change
• Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity, Himalayan Ecosystem, Agriculture, Wildlife and Marine Environment.
• Analysis of the nexus between different aspects of International Dimensions and National Dimensions on Climate Change.
• Climate Change Vulnerabilities for North-East India.
• Comparative Legal Framework on Climate Change- Indo-Canadian dimension
• Pricing Carbon pollution- Emission Trading and Reduction from Pan-Canadian Framework;
• Energy Security and Canada’sstand for green energy;
• Complementary Mitigation Actions of Canada;
• Pathwaysto Canada’s 2030 Climate Action Target;
• Indo- Canadian joint initiative- bilateral and international cooperation to address climate change and secure a clean energy- International Solar Alliance initiative.
Submission Guidelines
1. The papershould relate to the Theme and the Sub-themes. In case any of the authors wish to present a paper on any othertheme, the paper would be subjected to scrutiny by the Editorial Board.
2. The papershould be original in nature and should reflect an analytical approach. The Paper can be in any format e.g. Article, Essay etc.
3. An abstract of 500 words accompanied by the details of the author(s), containing their email address, contact number, and postal address, designation of the authors,should be sent to the Members of the Organizing Committee as provided below.
4. The Final papershould be between 5,000 to 7,000 words exclusive of Footnotes.
5. The Body of the papershould be written in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5 and Footnotesin Times New Roman, Font Size 10, Line Spacing 1. The Citation must be in OSCOLA 4th Edition. The Authorsshould strictly adhere to it.
6. The sub-theme hasto be mentioned while abstractsubmission.
7. Co-authorship isrestricted to two members only.
8. The papersshould be submitted in two parts. The abstractsubmission date is November 15th 2018 and the finalselected papersshould be submitted by 20th January 2019. The authors of the selected papers will be notified as perschedule.
9. The papers have to be submitted in soft copies only through and should be ‘copied’ to and
10. Selected abstract would be notified by 16th December 2018.
11. All the information regarding the conference would be updated to the participants. The selected participants are to submit their travel and accommodation details to the organising
Important Details
1. Abstract Deadline- 15th November 2018
2. Notification of Acceptance of Abstract-16th December 2018
3. Submission of Full Paper- 20th January 2019
4. Early Bird Registration-6th -7th February 2019
5. Final Registration- 20th February 2019
6. Conference Dates-9th -10th March 2019
Students/Researchers [Paper Presentation] – Rs. 2,000/-
Students/Researchers [Participation only] – Rs. 1,500/-
Academics/Practitioners [Paper Presentation] – Rs. 3,000/-
Academics/Practitioners [Participation only] – Rs. 2,500/-
NLUJAA Scholars [Paper Presentation] – Rs. 750/-
NLUJAA Scholars [Participation only] – Rs. 500/-
Delegates [Participation only] – Rs. 1,000/-
NLUJAA Faculty [Paper Presentation] – Rs. 1,000/-
On-spot Registration – Rs. 2,000/-
Date & Venue
Dates: 9th & 10th March 2019
Venue: Seminar Hall,
Administrative Block, National
Law University and Judicial
Academy, Assam, Hajo Road,
Amingaon-781031, Kamrup (R),
Guwahati, Assam.
Contact Details
Ms. Juri Goswami- +91-9706788987
Adrita Bhuyan- +91-7663917434

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