CfP for law students: One-Day National Conference on Right to Information by Punjab State Information Commission & RGNUL [Hybrid Mode; Nov 19]: Register by Sept 25

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The Punjab Government constituted the State Information Commission on October 11, 2005 and appointed the first Chief Information Commissioner of Punjab under section 15 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 on the same day.


  • The ‘Right to Know is the Right to Live’. Transparency and access to information are pivotal to the functioning of a democracy. An informed citizen is an empowered one. For this one should have free, unfettered access to information.
  • The jurisprudence of Democracy revolves around the pure concept of ‘accountability’ which can only be achieved if people in authority and power are subject to public gaze and speculations.
  • India is considered one of the largest democracies in the world. Every democracy is characterized by the virtues of transparency, accountability, and openness to reform. Vast powers vested with the public authorities have led to maladministration, misuse of power, and corruption, which necessitated the introduction of the Right to Information Act, 2005.
  • The Act further aims at establishing a healthy democracy and bringing about a responsive, accountable, and corruption-free government. However, RTI is much more than a tool to fight corruption. It is in fact a fundamental and transformative right against the arbitrary use of power.

This Conference seeks to provide comprehensive learning on the Right to Information, dealing with its multiple facets from a constitutional perspective to be a statutory right, and thereby its evolution as an executory right through the administrative and judicial processes.


  • RTI: A Tool of Good Governance
  • Role of Information Technology in RTI
  • Pro-Active Disclosure in the field of RTI
  • Record Management and RTI
  • Success Stories in the field of RTI
  • Best Practices in the Implementation of RTI
  • Regulatory Mechanism and RTI
  • Political Promises and Accountability

Please note: The themes are merely illustrative and not exhaustive. Any paper written within the broader purview of the theme will be considered.

Important Dates

  • Last date for Submission of the registration form and abstract: September 25, 2022
  • Intimation of abstract selection and opening of Payment link: September 30, 2022
  • Last date of payment and registration: October 8, 2022
  • Full paper submission (Soft copy): November 5, 2022

Participants are requested to adhere to the above-mentioned dates.

Submission Process

  • All the abstracts and full-length papers shall be sent to email: with the subject ‘RTI Conference’.
  • Registration Fees for the seminar:
    • Single author: 500 INR
    • Co-authors: 800 INR (A maximum of two co-authors are permitted per paper)
  • Payment Link

Submission Guidelines

  • Research papers should pertain to the conference theme.
  • Participants shall be required to submit an abstract of around 350 words on or before September 25, 2022.
  • The abstract shall also contain, the name of the author/authors, email Id of the author/s, contact number, and designation.
  • The full paper should not exceed 6000 words. It shall be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with 1” margin on all sides with 1.5 line spacing using MS Word.
  • Abstract and Research Papers should be emailed to
  • Citations shall be strictly in accordance with the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities, 4th Edition.


University may publish accepted papers. Publication of papers shall be the exclusive discretion of the University.


Participants requiring accommodation are requested to mail the same at the email ID with the subject title ‘Accommodation’ on or before October 10, 2022. Accommodation will be provided as per availability on a payment basis.


The seminar will take place in physical mode but will have a parallel web conference session available to selected presenters on the prior payment of the Registration Fee. The interested participants can avail this by intimating the organizers by sending a mail to

Relevant Link and Contacts

In case of queries, contact the following student convenor

  • Divyank Tikkha: +91 77060 36179
  • Kunal Yadav: +91 99589 87512

Registration link

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