Cfp for law students:- Nirma University Law Journal [December 2021 Issue]- Submit by 21st October

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In the continuation and dissemination of high-quality, original, and cutting-edge contributions to legal and transdisciplinary study. The Nirma University Institute of Law’s Journal Committee thus invites articles/research papers, policy briefs, case studies, and book reviews on law and related topics for publication in the Nirma University Law Journal (December, 2021 Issue) with ISSN Number 2249-1430.


This issue (December 2021) of NULJ is dedicated to the theme ‘Law, Society and Technology in 21st Century’. The journal invites submission from the discipline of Law, Social Sciences, and others, encourages interdisciplinary research-based submissions – research papers, articles, policy briefs having national and international significance – on the following sub-themes.


  • Law, Society, and Technology – impacts, changes in human lives, governance, law regime
  • Access to justice, socio-legal dimensions of technology, and law
  • Role and use of technology for good governance
  • Issues of status and human identity with advanced use of technology
  • Recognition, jurisdiction, and national interest
  • Use of technology, digitisation, and future of workforce
  • Legal debates on issues of privacy, data creation, protection, and use

Relevant guidelines for submissions:

The manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract in about 200 wordsalong with a declaration that the paper has not been published or sent for publicationelsewhere.

Word Limit: Submissions should not exceed:

Research papers (4,000- 6,000words),

Policy briefs (2000-3000words),

Book reviews (1000-2000 words), and

Case studies/commentaries (1000-3000 words).

Eligibility: Entries from students pursuing Bachelors or Masters in Law and allied discipline of Social Science; law professionals; academia; researchers; and persons engaged in knowledge production.

Authorship: Maximum of two authors per entry is permissible.

Citation Style: The Bluebook Uniform System of  Citation (20th edition) shall be strictly adhered to. The main text should be in Times New Roman, size 12 with a1.5 line spacing and the footnotes shall be in size 10 with 1.0 line spacing. This shall be strict compliance for papers to be accepted for the review process.

Mode of Submission: Authors are expected to mail their submissions on specifying the classification of manuscript i.e. Article, Legislative Comment, Book Review, Case Comment, Policy Brief. The subject of the email body should be:

For Abstract Submission: “Abstract|Article/Legislative Comment/Book Review/Case Comment(as per the submission)”

For Manuscript Submission: “Manuscript|Article/Legislative Comment/Book Review/Case Comment(as per the submission)”

The journal is guided by a well-defined ‘Ethical policy’ which gives no scope for plagiarized submission. Thus, authors are strictly requested to follow the plagiarism policy for academic submissions published by UGC, or visit our website for further details –

Publication rules to be adhered

The submissions must be original and should not be under consideration in any other journal. Articles with plagiarism and copyright issues are liable to be rejected immediately. Nirma University Law Journal is not to be subject to any liability which may arise in this regard.

Submission of work must be made to Nirma University Law Journal, is indicative of the fact that the authors grant exclusive permission to NULJ to publish and reproduce their work in all streams of media. Such right is subject to the doctrine of fair use as followed under the law relating to Intellectual Property Rights and subject to the entitlements of the author.

The editors reserve the right to delete or edit any article or part thereof whose content is found to be offensive, defamatory, outrightly unethical, or if it is suggestive of racism, sexual or religious discrimination, illegal or terror activities etc. The article is subjected to rejection if its content is likely to offend the religious or political sentiments of the reader.

A process of peer-review shall be used to scrutinize all the submissions. Following this, the authors of selected papers will be notified of the results.

Timeline for the process

Submission of Abstract: 21st September 2021

Submission of Full Paper: 21st  October 2021

Completion & Intimation of Reviewed papers: 19th November 2021

Publication of Journal: 03rd December 2021

Relevant Contacts

For any further queries, kindly contact us on the following number or email id:

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