Cfp for law students: The Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law by NALSAR Hyderabad [Vol 13]: Submit by Dec 30

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  • The Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law (IJIPL) is India’s oldest student-run journal focused on IP rights. IJIPL is an annual, student-edited, peer-reviewed law review that is the flagship intellectual property law journal of NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad.
  • The Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law is now accepting submissions for its 13th volume.
  • All submissions must conform to IJIPL’s regulations, including our Submission Guidelines and EthicsPolicy.
  • IJIPL follows a tiered review process done by the Editorial Board and selected Peer Reviewers.

Themes and Sub-themes

Intellectual Property Rights


Undergraduate students, post-graduate students, practitioners, faculty and other academicians are invited to contribute to the Journal in the form of essays, articles, notes and comments.

Submission Guidelines

  • All submissions must be accompanied by:
  • A separate document containing the biographical information of the authors, including the following details: Name, E‐mail address, Postal Address, Name and Address of Institution, Course (if applicable), and Academic Year. No reference to the name or the affiliations of the author must be present in the text of the submission and must only be provided in this separate document.
  • An abstract of not more than 350 words describing the submission. Please note that there is no requirement for prior submission of the abstract, as papers are selected for publication only on the basis of the full manuscript. The abstract shall serve merely to help the Editorial Board in its review process.
  • Each submission must be the original work of its author(s). Any submissions found to be plagiarized from another source will be automatically rejected. To this end, a plagiarism check will be conducted as the first stage of evaluation.
  • Submissions must be in accordance with the Submissions Guidelines and Editorial Policy. The contributions accepted for publication and the copyright therein shall remain jointly with the Author(s) and the IJIPL. Any person desiring to use IJIPL’s material for educational purposes, research or private study can do so with the prior written permission of the Publisher (registrar[a]
  • All author(s), by submitting any contribution towards IJIPL, hereby consent to indemnify NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad and IJIPL from and against all claims, suits and consequences based on any claim of copyright infringement/ unauthorized use/violation of ny right which may arise as a result of their contribution being published in IJIPL.
  • Authors must inform the Editorial Board if their manuscripts have been submitted to other journals. Authors may request an expedited review on these grounds, but the granting of the same is within the discretion of the Editorial Board.

Formatting Guidelines

  • Text and citations must conform to the rules in OSCOLA (4th edition).
  • The Journal employs footnotes as the method of citation. Speaking footnotes, though not prohibited, are discouraged.
  • The text of the submission must be in Times New Roman or Garamond, size 12 and 1.5
    spacing. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10 and Single spacing.


Interested candidates must submit their papers to the email, with the subject “Submission for Vol. 13”.

Submission Deadline

December 30, 2022.

For further clarity please contact Queries may be directed to the same mail address, with “Query | Vol. 13” in the subject line.

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