Cfp for law students- Indian Competition Law Review Volume VII Issue 1- Apply by March 15, 2022.

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National Law University Jodhpur (NLUJ) is one of the foremost law schools in India. Since its establishment in 1999, it has endeavored to produce exceptional lawyers and legal scholars and has aimed at pushing and challenging the existing boundaries of knowledge. Based on MHRD – NIRF rankings 2020, NLUJ was ranked 5th among the best law universities of the country. The University was recently selected by the Competition Commission of India into a panel of reputed institutions, to carry out competition assessment of the economic legislations, bills, and policies.

About the Journal

  • CCLP was established as an initiative to promote interdisciplinary research in the field of competition law and policy making. As a part of this initiative, CCLP publishes its flagship journal, the Indian Competition Law Review (“ICLR”). ICLR serves as a platform for understanding existing trends as well as setting out new ideas.
  • The previous edition of the journal received manuscripts from many distinguished Legal Luminaries, Practicing Lawyers, Law Professors, Ph.D. Scholars, and Law Students from all over the country and abroad. After having celebrated the immense success of the last edition, we are pleased to announce the call for papers for Volume VII Issue I of the ICLR.

Submission Rules

Eligibility Criteria and Word Limit

  • The manuscript may be co-authored by a maximum of two authors.
  • The Journal accepts the following kinds of submissions:
  • Articles – 5,000 to 10,000 words.
  • Short notes – 2,500 to 5,000 words.
  • Case Comments – 1,500 to 2,500 words

These word counts are exclusive of footnotes. The Editorial Board reserves the right to increase or relax the word limit, depending on the quality of the submission.

Submission Guidelines

  • The mail bearing the manuscript must declare, in its body, the category for which the submission is made for, i.e. article/short notes/case comment.
  • The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with single line spacing.
  • The manuscripts should be properly footnoted wherever sources are being used. The use of endnotes, hyperlinks, etc. is strictly prohibited. Further, no speaking footnotes (descriptive footnotes) are allowed.
  • All the sources in the footnotes must conform to the Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) 4th style of citation.
  • The manuscripts must be preceded by an abstract of not more than 250 words.
  • The manuscript must not contain any reference to the author’s name, affiliation or credentials.
  • All manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter with the name(s) of the author(s), institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript, and contact details. The author must also confirm in the cover letter that the manuscript is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • The manuscript must be an original and unpublished work.
  • If necessary, ICLR may request the author to provide a printed copy of the manuscript, in addition to the electronic copy.

Editorial Rules

  • The submission indicates the Author(s)’ acceptance to the following conditions:
  • The work, upon publication, becomes a property of National Law University, Jodhpur; and
  • Any subsequent publication/reprint and/or derivative works are permitted subject to prior approval of the ICLR.
  • The ICLR follows three stages of blind peer-review procedure and shall endeavor to keep the authors informed about the status of their manuscript as it goes through each stage of review.
  • ICLR retains complete discretion over acceptance/rejection of manuscripts. The Editorial Board of ICLR shall not entertain requests for advance decisions based on abstracts, topic proposals or outlines. Editorial decisions shall be based solely on review of the final manuscripts submitted by the authors.
  • Post-review, manuscripts may be returned to the authors with suggestions related to substance and/or style. Acceptance of a manuscript for publication shall be made contingent on incorporation of such suggestions.
  • ICLR reserves the right to request copies of any resources or authorities cited in the manuscript.

Submission Rules

  • The last date for submission of manuscripts is March 15, 2022. Subject to the outcome of the review process, the manuscript will feature in the upcoming Issue which is scheduled for publication in May, 2022.
  • All manuscripts must be sent through email and addressed to the Editor-in-Chief at
  • The subject of the email should be titled – “Volume VII(1)_ICLR Submission_Name of the Author(s)”.
  • The name of the document must be in the following format – “Name of the Author(s) – Title of Submission”.
  • The Authors are advised to send only one submission per author or a team of co-authors.
  • The manuscript must be submitted in a Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx)format only.

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