- The HPNLU Journal of Tax Law is an annual double-blind peer-reviewed journal of the Centre for Law Business and Economics, Himachal Pradesh National Law University Shimla. The Journal aims to promote scholarly research in tax laws, including international taxation and tax policies.
- The HPNLU Journal of Tax Law is one of the first of its kind in India wherein specific discussion, through research works is being encouraged by academicians, professionals, practitioners and researchers. Tax laws and policies are an urgent discourse in today’s time frame where the discussions on tax reforms are ubiquitous and have effects on the lives of every individual.
- The scope of this Journal is to extend a forum wherein the intellectual discourse is produced concerning tax laws, policies and their impact on every individual along with the state welfare policies.
- These intellectual contributions are called upon to siphon the efforts and propel better tax policies in India.
The contribution may be made in the form of Research Papers / Article, Notes & Comments and Book Review. The contribution, in the given category, should be a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of contemporary issues in tax laws and related policies including international taxation.
The following word limits should be observed:
- ARTICLES (≥6000 to <10000 words)
- ESSAYS & COMMENTS (≥4000 to <6000 words)
- Book Review (≥3000 to <4000 words) (Contribution under this Category is required to be made along with the new hard copy of the Book.)
- Submissions shall be accepted only in the English language.
- All contributions are required to be accompanied by an ‘abstract’ of 250- 300 words.
- The abstract must expressly include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the article beyond the existing available literature.
- Co-authorship is allowed for up to one (01) co-author only.
- The manuscript should not contain any references to the identity of the authors.
The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and 1.5-line spacing. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and single line spacing.- For Citation, refer to the HPNLU-Shimla Citation Style only.
- Manuscripts should only use footnotes as a means of citation. No other method shall be permitted.
- Lengthy Quotations are discouraged. Author(s) should avoid long quotations and keep them at minimum wherever necessary with full and proper acknowledgement.
- Lengthy and multi-paragraphed footnotes are discouraged.
- The citations must mention the page(s) of the source and in cases where Court Judgments are referred to, the footnote should also mention the paragraph of the judgment in addition to the page number of the Reporter.
- Only authoritative websites may be cited. References to internet sources such as Wikipedia, blogs, commercial websites, etc., are not acceptable.
- Send your manuscript in MS Word (.docx) format to jtl@hpnlu.ac.in.
- The subject of the email should be “Submission to HPNLU-JTL ”. The submissions must be sent by 11:59 pm, October 30, 2022.
Relevant Contacts
Dr. Arun Klair, (Member Editorial Board): +91-9417273800, Centre for Law, Business and Economics, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, 16 Miles, Shimla-Mandi National Highway, Ghandal, Dist. Shimla 171014
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