What Is CTAG, NLUD & Centre For Civil Society?
Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance (CTAG), National Law University Delhi (NLUD) has been constituted to uphold the commitment of the rule of law and good governance. The Centre emphases on sensitizing people on transparency and accountability in governance; empowering people such as students, lawyers, and public officials to contribute effectively to ensure transparency and accountability in governance; and creating and promoting quality research in the area of transparency and accountability in governance. The Centre also provides, free of cost, for training, sensitization and consultative services on RTI to people. The Centre has organised national and International Conferences on good governance issues.
Centre for Civil Society is a non-profit think tank based in New Delhi. The Centre was founded in 1997 by Dr Parth J Shah, former Professor of Economics at the University of Michigan. It operates as an independent educational organisation. According to the 2021 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report (Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program, University of Pennsylvania), CCS was ranked 5th in India and 83rd in the world.
What Are The Details of The Opportunity?
- Theme: Public Service Delivery In India
- Last date of abstract submission: 1st June 2023 at ctag@nludelhi.ac.in and mark cc to submit@ccs.in
- Major Sub Theme:
- Public Service Guarantee Laws
- E-Governance & Digitalization of service delivery
- Operations and efficacy of public service delivery guarantee commissions
- Effectiveness of complaint and dispute mechanisms in public service delivery guarantee laws
- Role and relevance of private intermediaries, such as Lok Seva Kendras in felicitating public service delivery
- Global best practices in public service delivery
- Other relevant sub themes identify by the author
For More Information:
For any query contact at ctag@nludelhi.ac.in
CLICK HERE For The Brochure
CLICK HERE To Visit The CTAG, NLUD Website
CLICK HERE To Visit The Centre For Civil Society Website